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I'm an Artist, Educator, Multi-passionate Entrepreneur, and Founder of The Cake Mamas.


Because let's face it... If you're not making money, your business doesn't make sense.

Get to know me here!

Is Entrepreneurship right for you?

Feb 07, 2023

Now that we’re a MONTH into 2023 (can you believe it?) Some of us are still going strong on those new year’s resolutions, but for many of us, the motivation may be dying down a bit. But I believe that it’s NEVER too late to start something new. And taking MESSY, imperfect action (even if it looks different from what you envisioned or planned) is better than wondering what COULD’VE been. You feel me?? 

And one of the best ways to do something different, I think,  is by leveraging your expertise and starting a business of your own…

Maybe you’ve thought this before too? 

But REAL TALK: Most people don’t even know if entrepreneurship is the right path for them, or if they even HAVE the energy and resources they need to get their business up and running.

But that’s what I’m here for. So I’m gonna cut to the chase. Here are 3 things to CONSIDER if you're looking to drop that 9-5, start a side hustle, or become...

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4 CRUCIAL steps you need to do to BEFORE starting a baking business!

Jan 31, 2023

Let’s be REAL: Launching your own BAKING BUSINESS is no cakewalk. (no pun intended) 

It’s not just about picking a cute name and pretty packaging and making cute sh*t all day. You need to register your business, set up your finances, get trademarked and figure out a SH*T TON of other legal and logistical things. 

And SPOILER ALERT: The hard stuff doesn’t end there. When you start a business, you’re gonna spend a LOT of time doing things you didn’t sign up for – like taxes, payroll, sales, marketing. And IMAGINE doing ALL this while working your 9 to 5, raising a family, and trying to balance your personal life (!!!) 

I’m not trying to scare you but I can’t sugarcoat reality for you, friend. And YES, it can feel overwhelming and daunting AF, but with the RIGHT resources and guidance, YOU can power through this and get to the fun stuff (like baking & creating pretty things and making MONEY) ASAP!

So without wasting...

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How to plan for the New Year as a small business owner!

Dec 29, 2022

2023 is 11 DAYS AWAY(!!!) 

And as much as I enjoy spending time with family and doing all the FESTIVE things,  I’m also using this time to self-reflect, organize my thoughts, envision new goals, and map out my 2023. (This is important!) 

As a small business owner and entrepreneur, I fully believe that REST is  NON-NEGOTIABLE. I know first-hand that you can’t operate, create, and problem-solve when you’re tired and burnt out. So, I hope you’re using this time to reset, regroup, and get re-energized before the New Year. 

But I also hope that you’re using this time to think about what big goals and dreams you wanna achieve in 2023. 

And if you’re reading this saying, “I have NO IDEA what things I should even be thinking about” or “I have ideas but I don’t know how to start,” then keep on reading… 

Reflecting, planning, strategizing, and mapping out your year are CRUCIAL to...

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4 Reasons Why You're Not Achieving Your New Year Goals

Dec 27, 2022

It’s the same story every single year –

MILLIONS of people set new goals, dreams and intentions for the year. They want to get fit, get their finances in order, buy their dream home – and yet by the time the middle of January rolls around people slip back into their usual routines and fall off the wagon. 

It’s back to the same old same old. People fall back into poor habits and continue to do the sh*t that no longer serves them. 

According to U.S. News, more than 80% of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by the second week of February. 

That kinda sucks, tbh.

That’s why in today’s blog post, I’m breaking down 4 reasons WHY people fail to achieve their New Year goals every year (plus what we can do differently). Read on to find out if any of these relate to you… 


#1 You’re not ready to change

Let’s get straight into it… 

OUTCOMES are the result of ACTIONS,...

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4 Tips To Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Dec 20, 2022
Tis' the season for IMPOSTER SYNDROME!
If you haven't experienced what this feels like yet- then I applaud you sis!
But if you have I'm gonna share four tips with you that you can do today or whenever those feelings arise that will help you push past this feeling and get back to the confident self you should be!  
In case you don't know what imposter syndrome is or how it feels lemme break it down for you here:
Imposter syndrome is the feeling or idea that you're not good enough despite the successes and milestones you've achieved.
To keep it simple, you feel like a fraud. Despite all the things you've accomplished whether that's education, in your career, or your experiences- there is apart of you that still feels not good enough and deserving of the things you've received.
Fun Fact about me, when I started my bakery business, The Cake Mamas, I didn't have a ton of support from my fiends and family.
It could be they were "looking out for me" because it "wasn't the right...
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The Holiday Deals You Didn't Know You Needed!

Dec 08, 2022

Let's face it, CHRISTMAS SHOPPING, or gift-giving in general, can sometimes bring on more stress than joy. That's why I've compiled a list of some of my FAVORITE holiday gift-giving ideas for you!

Whether you're shopping for your parter, your best friend, or YOURSELF, you'll find all my holiday faves here!

I separated them into categories so you can browse for that perfect, thoughtful, useful, and fun gift for everyone on your list! Let's start with...

Gifts for the Busy Business Owner 

Radlove Electric Adjustable Standing Desk  

Let’s face it, sitting all day sucks! I’m obsessed with my standing desk because I find that I'm more productive when I'm standing. I'm able to focus more and stay on task better when I'm standing and moving around. Which is why this desk is great for to pair with the next thing on my list! Keep reading… 

Work on Your Business AND Your Body with the Umay Under-Desk Walking Pad 

A Treadmill that fits under...

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4 ways I prioritize my growth as a small business owner and busy mom!

Dec 04, 2022

Running a business with huge dreams and big goals is amazing. If someone would’ve told me 13 years ago I’d be coaching small business owners and creators from all over the world how to build their OWN dream businesses, I think I’d say, “NO WAY,” but also do a little happy dance inside counting down the days til this moment came true. 

But focusing on my own dreams, while helping others achieve theirs, and trying to be a present mom can really take a toll on my own health- physically and mentally if I’m not careful. 

And to be completely honest, I’ve struggled in that area. Throughout the year I’ve gone through lots of ups and downs with my physical health. I’ve felt self conscious, I’ve felt like no matter what I do I can’t lose weight and I just feel like my body is changing and I don’t know what to do to figure it out. 

On the flip side, I’ve struggled with my mental health. Being a...

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The gratitude practice that changed my life (and my business)!

Nov 22, 2022

I don’t know about you, but when things feel extra heavy and life keeps throwing obstacles my way, I find it really hard to not feel lonely and attacked. 

Especially, when those difficult seasons start to impact my business. 

When the business struggle hit hard and the sales stop coming in, it’s hard not to second guess yourself and think about whether or not you should even keep doing this. You start to question whether all your hard work is even worth it. 

And the last thing you wanna hear from people when you’re feeling this type of way is to find the blessings. 

In moments like these, you just want answers and someone to tell you what to do. You want someone to hear you out, to support you, and all of your problems to go away! 

What you DON’T wanna hear is someone’s woo-woo B.S saying: “Hey, maybe you should try practicing some gratitude.”

Or at least that’s what you think.

But here’s a crazy...

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3 tips to make MORE MONEY in your baking business this holiday season

Nov 03, 2022

Oh the HOLIDAYS! I feel like people are either full on Mariah Carey during the holidays or they're total scrooges.

Personally, I’m a HUGE fan of the holiday season. I love celebrating with my friends and family, participating in all the holiday activities, making memories, and just spending time together.

But, the holidays as a bakery owner is TOTALLY different story!

You're either busy as hell, drowning in orders, or you’re making NO MONEY and struggling.

During the holidays it was typically a really slow season in my bakery, The Cake Mamas. When you think about it, the holidays is the one time a year, EVERYONE is baking- even if they’re terrible at it. Yeah, we would have custom orders to get us through, but really where we made the MOST money during the holiday season was with corporate parties and events.

Now, you may be reading this as a home baker, or you’re renting a commercial kitchen, or you simply don’t have the capacity to fulfill large...

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Hereā€™s why you need to start INVESTING in your growthā€¦(and not your talents)

Aug 24, 2022

MOST business owners I work with have previously NEVER taken a business course in their life.

And that’s because they never thought they’d wind up starting something of their own, from scratch, and making that their primary source of income. 

But the MOMENT you put a price tag on your stuff, you’ve got to start INVESTING in your BUSINESS SKILLS just as much as you’re investing in your products and services.  

Why? Because becoming the BEST baker, artist, creator, or freelancer you can be isn’t going to do sh*t if you can’t SELL what you’re creating. 

And if you’re not bringing in sales, you’re not really running a business. You’re running a NON-PROFIT organization! 

Get ready for some TOUGH love, sis: It’s NO ONE else’s responsibility to invest in your skills. And if you don’t show up for yourself and do the WORK, your business, and bank account are gonna suffer!

And if...

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