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I'm an Artist, Educator, Multi-passionate Entrepreneur, and Founder of The Cake Mamas.


Because let's face it... If you're not making money, your business doesn't make sense.

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From Knowing To Doing!

Feb 02, 2021

We all know those people that always say, “I know,” whenever they ask for advice from others. 

You know, that friend that always says they know what they have to do but don’t do it anyway. 

Let me just say, it’s one of my BIGGEST pet peeves when people don’t take action. They know exactly what steps they have to do to achieve a certain goal, yet they don’t  take any action towards accomplishing it.

We decided to name this the “knowing problem.” We think because we know something that means we’re doing something about it, when in reality, you aren’t doing shit!

In this week’s episode, we’re discussing how to PUSH past the “knowing” and how to get moving! 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • Routine Vs. Commitment; which is more important (01:58)
  • Challenging what you think you know (09:56)
  • How to position yourself so that someone can hold you...
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“You’re Not Supposed To Be Here”- Uncomfortable Conversation With The Copelands Part 2

Jan 29, 2021


When we started this podcast over a year ago (crazy right?!), our main goal was to be open, honest, and treat every single conversation as if we were hosting a backyard barbecue with our friends just talking about life. 

Originally, we were hesitant about sharing this episode because we don’t want this podcast to be ALL about race, politics, and COVID; even though all of those things are current conversations in our household; but this podcast is designed to help us show up differently and push through in life while having empathy, understanding, and seeing things from other people's perspectives.  

The past couple of episodes have been centered around social injustice, racial inequality, and the pandemic but we believe that these conversations help with healing and seeing the perspective that other's have to offer.  

In light of this, we’re sharing a recent story that occurred during our 16th wedding anniversary celebration. 

Here’s a...

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Uncomfortable Conversation With The Copelands!

Jan 19, 2021

This was an episode I was reluctant to record but our team, my friends, my followers, have been telling me I have to talk about it so Eddie decided to hit record and now we’re here. 

This week’s episode is about the tragedy that happened at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th and it’s an uncomfortable conversation but it’s a conversation that I have to have with my children, my husband; and it’s a conversation I hope you have with your family and loved ones. 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • Why Janelle wants an apology from all those who have supported Trump (01:46)
  • How to decipher when you are going down a path that betrays the values you uphold (05:03)
  • The epitome of white privilege (09:19)
  • How our beliefs affect our personal brands (13:41)?
  • Where do you draw the line? (16:55)
  • Standing up for the right thing and being on the right side of history (21:08)
  • Having a dialogue with people who have a different...
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Jan 12, 2021

With 2021 finally here, you’ve probably been hearing all about goal setting and starting the new year off right. Well, if you listened to our previous episode then you know more people actually don’t set goals. Whether it’s because of lack of belief, lack of discipline, or just an unwillingness to get out of your comfort zone, we shared the 10 reasons why people refuse to set goals. 

In continuation of last week's episode, we’re sharing the flip side of that and WHY it’s so important to set goals and how you can crush them in the new year. 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed…

  • Dream big (13:42)
  • Play the long game (15:55)
  • Visualize it often and regularly (18:13)
  • Create accountability (20:59)
  • Prepare for success (25:26)
  • Reward yourself to stay motivated (27:17)
  • Give yourself a day off (30:23)
  • Take your feelings out of it (32:25)
  • Surround yourself with success (33:15)
  • Self-regulate and govern yourself (40:20)


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10 reasons why people don’t set goals… and WHY YOU should!

Jan 05, 2021

Question: Do you set goals every year? Or do you set goals every month? Or maybe you don’t set goals at all? 

As we start the new year, we wanna know why so many people don’t set goals or they do but never get far with them. 

Coming out of 2020, which was a year that was flipped upside down in terms of goals and plans, it’s no surprise that people are hesitant to create goals leading into 2021. But just because plans got flipped in 2020, doesn’t mean we haven’t learned to pivot our goals and plans in the year to come. 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed…

  • They are stuck and just staring at the problem (13:13)
  • They don’t know how to get out of the problem (15:04)
  • They lack belief (16:05)
  • They lack discipline (18:57)
  • They have never really taken control of their life (20:12)
  • They’ve had previous disappointments (24:47)
  • They are filed with fear which prevents them from setting goals (26:42)
  • They are...
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How To Set Yourself Up To Win In The New Year!

Dec 29, 2020

It’s THROWBACK Tuesday this week on the PUSH Podcast and we’re taking you back to episode 11, Leaving All Your B.S. In 2019! 

As we come to a close on the dumpster fire year, 2020, we think it’s important to break down the ABC’S of reflection and goal setting! 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed…

  • How our ABCs gives you closure for 2020 and prepares you for the new year
  • The three As you should be working on in 2021 (04:40)
  • The three Bs you should be working on in 2021 (17:58)
  • The three Cs you should be working on in 2021 (27:49)
  • How to integrate the ABCs to win in the new year (38:06)

Although this year was a disappointment to say the least; we were challenged in so many ways that only allowed us to grow and learn even more about ourselves. 

This year was not about receiving everything you’ve ever wanted. This year was about being grateful for everything you have. That’s why this week’s episode is...

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How To Teach People How To Treat You!

Dec 24, 2020

Do you find yourself being taken advantage of over and over again? Do you feel like you’re constantly settling and never getting what you truly want? 

Friend, it may be because your boundaries suck when it comes to your relationships! 

Relationships and other aspects of life would be so different if we learned to create boundaries. 

We wouldn’t settle for potential. We wouldn’t put up with the way others speak to us. We wouldn't accept less than what we deserve. 

Yet, so many of us suffer in our relationships because we don’t know how to set boundaries! 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • Setting boundaries to protect your family's health (05:13)
  • The one boundary that we exercise in our marriage (19:25)
  • It is your responsibility to teach people how to treat you (25:00)
  • There's a consequence to everything in life (30:45)
  • People will show you who they are; you have to listen (32:29)
  • How to effectively...
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How to PREPARE for your PROBLEMS!

Dec 15, 2020

Shit happens and unfortunately it’s stuff we have no control over. 

Listen, nobody wakes up inviting problems into their lives with open arms. But the reality of life is that we’re not always in control of ALL of the things that happen to us on a daily basis. 

In this episode we’re talking about life’s ups and downs and how to stay focused on the things you can control versus manifesting the things you can’t. 


Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • Why you need to have a certain level of preparedness for what can happen (21:39)
  • How to prepare mentally and emotionally for problems (22:54)
  • Life is about ebbs and flows, ups and downs (23:44)
  • How to create a new state of mind after going through a problem (28:02)
  • Practicing to be calm when faced with a problem (36:36)
  • How to learn from every single problem (38:20)
  • You are not always in control (41:10)
  • where your focus goes, your energy flows (45:10)


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Same Storm Different Boat!

Dec 08, 2020

Your mindset is EVERYTHING. 

So much of the way we live life and the approach we have in life comes down to our mindset and our attitude! 

So friend, if you have a shitty attitude, you’re going to attract more negativity into your life. And I don’t want that for you. So this week, Eddie and I are sharing how you can take back control of your mindset and how the right attitude can shape your life. 

Here’s a breakdown to what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • It all comes down to your attitude (04:40)
  • What's your attitude around basic things in life? (11:13)
  • Making the best of the hand that life deals you (16:51)
  • Becoming a master sailor when a storm hits (18:43)
  • Developing the skill of role modeling from successful people (24:49)
  • Creating an attitude that allows you to be more successful (29:10)
  • This week's PUSH challenge (43:37)

We know 2020 has been tough. We’ve had our fair share of uphill battles and slaps in the face, but we...

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Dec 01, 2020

If 2020 was nothing like you imagined then sis you’re not alone! 

With 30 days left in the year that will NEVER end, we decided we wanted to share what 2020 has taught us so far. 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • You are not in control; some uncontrollable reasons can derail the best of plans (13:24)
  • Disruptions are not convenient but are absolutely necessary (16:37)
  • Most things are out of your control, but you are always in control (20:28)
  • No matter what, humans need connection (28:56)
  • We see the world very differently (32:48)

This year has by far been one of the most challenging, in more ways than one. Like everyone of you, Eddie and I had BIG, BIG plans for 2020 and they were immediately shut down once COVID hit. 

With all the adversity, we’ve gained so many lessons that we think could help you too. In fact, more often than not, we receive the biggest blessings in disguise through the challenges we face. You may...

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