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I'm an Artist, Educator, Multi-passionate Entrepreneur, and Founder of The Cake Mamas.


Because let's face it... If you're not making money, your business doesn't make sense.

Get to know me here!

Baker Burnout: Tips for Avoiding and Overcoming Exhaustion in the Kitchen

Sep 13, 2023

I don’t know about you but I LOVE back to school season! There’s something about the change in the weather, the change in routine, and the start of new beginnings that feels magical. I don’t know what specifically it is (maybe it’s the cozy sweaters and PUMPKIN everything) but I feel it. And maybe you do too?

But with the new change also comes realizations and sometimes feelings of exhaustion and overwhelm.

You may have been HUSTLING 24/7, in the middle of grind season the last 8 months and now you’ve finally hit your breaking point. You’ve fallen off the hamster wheel and now you’re struggling to get back up. You’re TIRED AF!

If this sounds like you, I’ve got a diagnosis for you sis, and you may not like what you’re gonna hear…


Burnout is a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged and overwhelming stress. It can make you feel drained, unmotivated, and unable to...

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STOP selling! Start Dating! How to INCREASE your sales in your cake business!

Sep 05, 2023

Listen… SALES SUCK! Let’s not sugarcoat it.

I’m pretty sure that every single person I’ve ever talked to about their business HATES TO SELL. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could just pour our heart and soul into something and have that same love reciprocated in sales?

If that were the case, EVERYONE would be an entrepreneur.

Although sales suck and no one wants to feel like a slimy car sales guy on Black Friday, it’s a part of running a business.

And if you want to be successful in this business you have to learn how to sell!

So you may be thinking, “I know Janelle, but I’m just not good at it,” OR “I hate selling to people. I’m an introvert and I don’t know what to say,” Lucky for you I’m gonna let you in on a little tip that I learned when I was working in corporate America that I adopted in my cake business that helped ease the pain of selling.


Wait what????

I want you...

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Ultimate Holiday Sales Strategy Guide for Small Business Owners

Aug 29, 2023

With the holiday season upon us, it’s time to start thinking in BIG WAYS for the holiday season!

The holiday season is a crucial time for small business owners! I’m talking about the MAKE or BREAK season! So I’m gonna share PROVEN strategies to help you boost your sales and MAKE THE MOST out of this holiday season

Make sure to read all the way through because I have a FUN little announcement at the end! Ready? Let’s dive in!

  1. Understand your audience

You can’t SELL MORE if you don’t even know WHO you’re selling to! You feel me?? It’s like trying to sell lip balm to someone who has no lips. Understanding your key clientele's needs and preferences is the key to having a successful holiday. So, how do you figure out WHO you should be selling to? Think about your business and the demographic you want to serve but also the people you are accessible to. In my bakery, we were in the middle of a TON of schools and family-based communities....

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How to start a cake business in 2023 when you have NO MONEY!

Aug 22, 2023

NEWSFLASH friend  whenever you start a business, MONEY is REQUIRED.

#sorrynot sorry

BUT… keep reading to learn how you can do it with limited funds! Because YES, it’s possible!

First thing first- you need a BUSINESS PLAN!

WHY? There are a few reasons:

  1. Accountability: This will help stay on track with your goals, and keep your eyes on the prize! You feel me? Inside this business plan you’re gonna lay out some key metrics: How will you attract customers, how will you sell to your customers, and how will your business generate PROFITABILITY? These are the foundational principles your business will be built on.

  2. Forecasting: This is where your DATA is gonna come into play. Forecasting is about estimating and projecting sales and setting goals for your business. You’re going to refer to this OFTEN.

  3. FUNDING: Which you will most likely need somewhere down the line. Anytime you are seeking out funding from a bank, or investor, they’re going to...

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How to BAKE a profitable cake business: A step-by-step guide to calculating profit in your baking business.

Aug 14, 2023


First, lemme just say, PROFIT is not the same as paying yourself! You should be incorporating your RATE (the $ you are paying yourself per hr) into your overall pricing strategy.

Some of you think you’re doing BIG THANGS with your pricing. The problem is you’re using the WRONG formula! It looks like this…

Cost of your Ingredients + Supply Costs + Hourly Rate = Overall price

Following this advice makes you a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION.

Costs + Labor Costs (YOUR SALARY)+ DESIRED PROFIT (aka what is used to RE-INVEST in the business) = “A FOR PROFIT” BUSINESS.

Profit is used to help FUND and GROW your business, not pay yourself. It’s an INVESTMENT tool.

Your desired profit should pay for things like:

  • upgrading or purchasing new tools/equipment
  • more supplies
  • ...
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5 Mistakes to AVOID when building your baking business!

Aug 08, 2023

In case you didn’t know this about me, I’ve been a business coach for bakers and small business owners for almost 6 years now, and after my running multiple businesses for over a decade and mentoring thousands of small business owners, I’ve seen so many of them make the same mistakes in their businesses. So, today I wanna share the 5 mistakes you may be making in your baking business so you can AVOID the challenges and hassles and jump ahead of your competition.

You have NO processes in place!

I’m not joking when I say processes & systems will literally SAVE YOUR LIFE. Having a process for everything allows your business to run smoothly and efficiently PLUS creates more time in your schedule to do things you love to do. So, you may be wondering, “What are processes?” Well, processes are standard operating procedures. You know when you had your first job and you had to clock in every day- that’s the most basic process you can have. In a...

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5 Lessons the Barbie Movie Taught Me About being a WOMEN in Business!

Aug 01, 2023

Recently, I went to the Barbie movie and in case you haven’t seen it yet, I’m gonna do my best to avoid spoilers, but you MUST see this movie if you’re a woman. You’ve probably seen people on TikTok post that they signed up to go see a movie that was light-hearted, that would maybe make them laugh but the truth is BARBIE is that but it’s also so much more.

It’s a story of womanhood and the journey of being a woman. In childhood, we’re safe, naive, full of imagination, and everything is perfect. But as we grow, we’re faced with reality- that the world is scary, and there’s pain, loss, and unexpected challenges. Yet, as women, we are held to an unrealistic standard.


If you’re reading this on August 1st, today is GIRLFRIENDS DAY…

And I can’t stress enough HOW IMPORTANT collaborative, supportive, relationships are when you’re an entrepreneur, but especially as a woman.

WOMEN: We’re...

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5 tips to build a SUCCESSFUL small business in 2023

Jul 25, 2023

As a business coach the NUMBER ONE thing I get asked the most is, “What’s your advice? I’ve been sitting on this idea. I wanna start a business.”

So in this blog, I wanna share exactly what I would do if I were starting a business in 2023 and the five things that are holding you back that I think could set you up for success. Let’s gets into it!

1) You need an EXCEPTIONAL product

Most industries are saturated in 2023! And this may trigger you, but if you’re thinking of starting a cupcake business- that’s not an exceptional product anymore. I had a bakery for 13 years when cupcakes and fondant cakes were a HUGE DEAL! (Think back to when Cupcake Wars and Cake Boss were on T.V.) Today, there are so many more exceptional products that you could build a business around. So many people are saying, we’re in a recession, and consumers are being a little cheaper with birthday parties but this has been happening for a while. Today, people want...

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My Latest OBSESSIONS I think youā€™ll love too!

Jul 18, 2023

This blog post is going to be a little different today friends because I think once you’re done reading this you’re gonna be just as OBSESSED with these things as I am!

In case you didn’t know, I’m about to enter a NEW SEASON of life as an empty-nester. Not sure I’m ready for it yet- but I’ve been super busy soaking up every last minute I have with my kid before she moves to London for college!

And because of this new season, I’ve had the ability to tap into some new hobbies, develop new obsessions, and give myself the space to live in the moment and just have fun!

So, I thought why not share with you guys the things I’ve been doing in my spare time to have MORE FUN and the things I’ve been obsessing over recently- cause I think you’re gonna love them too!

Let’s get this party goin’!

  1. GOLF! Okay, hear me out here…

I’ve been having SO MUCH FUN golfing with my guy! This sport is so damn challenging!...

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Starting a Baking Business in 2023: 3 Smart Strategies for Success

Jul 06, 2023

A lot has changed since I started The Cake Mamas back in 2009!

Social Media for one!

… Seriously, I started my baking business when social media wasn’t even a thing! (Hopefully, I didn’t just age myself!)

I get asked OFTEN if I were starting my baking business all over again TODAY, what would I do. So, in today’s blog, I wanna share the three things I would do if I was starting my business from SCRATCH in 2023!

#1) Get out into my community and FIND the customers I wanna attract! I wouldn’t wait for them to find me cause that’s not gonna get me anywhere FAST. I would hang out where I think my ideal client hangs out on social and IRL! And I would start building connections with everyone! Creating connections and building customer relations is how you’re going to close sales!

#2) Start talking about my business to EVERYONE and ANYONE! The more people who know about you and what you offer, the more likely they are to buy something from you....

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