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Friends, Family, & Entrepreneurship!

Apr 30, 2024

The mindset of an ENTREPRENEUR is DIFFERENT than the mindset of an employee…


When you surround yourself with people who have the same mindset as you, the conversations are different.

They support you. The sympathize with you. And not saying your friends and family can’t do that… BUT when you’re able to turn to a fellow aspiring entrepreneur for support, they just GET IT! 🤷🏼

This is a HUGE part of why I do what I do. COMMUNITY is UNDERRATED and UNDER APPRECIATED in the world of entrepreneurship.

Running a business is LONELY AF…

I had ZERO friends when I first started my business. Simply because I was SO BUSY trying to do something that 90% of people in the world don’t want to do.

Most days and nights, I was struggling in silence trying to build my business into something that could make money. (And if you know anything about my story, then you know it HAD TO WORK!)

I was tired, overwhelmed, and had NO ENERGY to pour into anything else in my life.

These feelings eventually led me to feel like a sh*tty parent, friend, and spouse because I was missing out on SO MUCH.

I wished for someone to step in and help me figure everything out. I wished for someone to lean on when things got difficult, and I wished that I could get into the minds of people who have done what I was trying to do.

This is why I preach so much about community and collaboration. Entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be a ONE-PERSON show all the time. It can look like a group of ride-or-dies, who are doing and trying to achieve the same things as you. Who are there for you day and night, to give you advice (or a virtual slap in the face), inspire you, and support you every step of the way.

They open up more connections and opportunities for you to GROW and expand your business. And they wanna introduce you to their people because they believe wholeheartedly in YOU and what you bring to the table with no strings attached.

If you take away anything from this message today, I hope it’s this: lean on one another and help each other through this thing called entrepreneurship! When one of us shines, all of us shine!

I hope this message finds you today!

Sending you love & encouragement!


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