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I'm an Artist, Educator, Multi-passionate Entrepreneur, and Founder of The Cake Mamas.


Because let's face it... If you're not making money, your business doesn't make sense.

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Honest Business advice I wish someone told me sooner!

Jul 23, 2024

I’ve been an entrepreneur now for 15 years and it’s safe to say I’ve made a sh*t ton of mistakes, have learned A LOT of valuable lessons, and have accomplished incredible things.

Everyday, I have business owners flooding my DM’s asking me for advice, tips, and strategies, so I decided to write a blog post sharing the TRUTH I wish someone told me sooner in my journey in the hopes that it will help you too!

So, if you want some HONEST business advice keep on reading…

1) You have to SLOW DOWN in order to speed up!

In the early seasons of my entrepreneurial journey, I was in straight hustle mode. I was working 24/7, I was putting my health on the back burner (to the point that I put myself into early menopause), and literally throwing money at people who claimed they would help me “grow my business.” I was desperate to reach that next level of success and I was constantly fed the idea that you have to work harder in order to be successful. And...

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Must-Have Amazon Prime Day Deals for Bakers!

Jul 16, 2024

AMAZON PRIME DAY is here! (Aka the Black Friday for Amazon enthusiasts like me!) And if you’re a baker who bakes from home or owns a storefront, Amazon Prime Day is a GREAT day to access amazing deals on some of the must-haves we NEED!  and to be honest, things we just wanna have and get for a great price!

So, I wanted to share some of the BEST DEALS I’ve found on some of my favorite essentials, tools, and supplies so you don’t have to spend hours researching and debating what tools you should or shouldn’t buy for your business.

These are all products that I SWEAR by and ones that I used in my own bakery, so you know that I’m not gonna be linking things just to link them.

Happy Shopping friends!

  1. KitchenAid Classic 4.5 Quart Mixer: Every baker NEEDS at least 2 high-quality mixers that will LAST because you are going to be putting some wear and tear on these babies no matter if you’re baking from home or operating a storefront. And if...
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MUST-HAVE Amazon Finds For Your Next Pop-Up Event!

Jul 02, 2024

Attending events are GREAT for any small business that is looking to attract more customers, grow their brand, and make some MONEY! The challenging part is HOW do you stand out amongst a crowd of vendors and actually get people intrigued in your business?

It all starts with BRANDING!

By having a clear and inviting brand story accompanied by elevated and cohesive packaging, getting eyes on your business becomes a lot easier!

But how do you create a STUNNING display, that is cohesive, inviting, and exciting without breaking the bank? Well, I’m gonna be sharing my TOP 5 strategies for how to SHINE at your next pop-up event without breaking the bank inside my new training that you can learn more about here!

While you’re here, I went on a deep dive through Amazon and gathered some MUST-HAVE finds that you’ll need for your next pop-up event! After YEARS of attending and participating in events of all kinds, there are some key indicators that every booth needs to run...

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Should you open a STOREFRONT in 2024?

Jun 18, 2024

So long are the dreams of opening a storefront?  Now more than ever, I’ve noticed more and more conversations amongst home bakers who are “giving up” their lifelong dreams of opening a storefront. WHY? Well, there are obvious reasons like the overhead and payroll but the one reason I’ve seen pop up more frequently is this idea of FREEDOM. Like WFH employees, Home Bakers have the luxury of working in their home, without the stresses and HUGE bills of operating a storefront. The thing most small business owners forget is when you continue to take orders, promote your business, and say yes to more customers, you are simultaneously GROWING your business whether you like it or want it. So eventually, you’re going to hit a wall in terms of your capacity (aka the amount of orders you can take and HOW MUCH MONEY you can make).

Ultimately, it’s going to require you to PIVOT in one direction or another.

With that in mind, do you pivot towards a...

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Winning Strategies for Small Business Owners to Succeed at Pop-Ups, Farmers Markets, and Events

Jun 11, 2024

Summer is OFFICIALLY here friends, which means it’s time for Pop-Ups, Farmer’s Markets, and Event season! I am a HUGE proponent of attending all the events you can and getting out into your community whether you’re just starting out in your business or you’re a 10-year vet with a successful storefront! Whether you’re a baker, hairstylist, balloon artist, DIY enthusiast, or an artist, these venues provide a unique platform to connect with potential clients, test new products, and build brand awareness. So, to help you WIN at your next event here are some strategies and tips to help you make the most of these opportunities.


  1. Research is everything! One of the biggest mistakes I see with business owners starting out and wanting to get into events and pop-ups is they immediately sign up WITHOUT researching the event. You have to understand the demographics of the event attendees, the typical foot traffic, and the kind of vendors that...
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10 lessons of SUCCESSFUL Small Business Owners

Jun 04, 2024

If you’re reading this searching for a secret formula or hidden shortcut that will instantly make your business a multi-million dollar success story overnight, you might as well stop reading and go back to scrolling cause you’re not gonna get that here.


BUT what I will give you is 10 simple lessons that I’ve learned from other SUCCESSFUL entrepreneurs and business owners that I’ve actually implemented in my own life that made a difference.

So, if you’re ready for some REAL advice that could actually work for you then keep on reading!

  1. Adopt the “LET THEM” theory: Mel Robbins talks about this idea often but to keep it short, the “Let Them” theory is the idea that you simply let others do what they will and that’s it. You simply “Let them” live their lives the way they're gonna live it. And don’t let the way they live their lives dictate HOW you live yours. Life is too short to give your...
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Must-Have Supplies for Bakery Owners Dreaming of a Storefront

May 28, 2024

Hey friend,

So, you've been baking it up in your home kitchen, and now you're ready to take your passion and everything you’ve built to the next level – opening your own storefront. Congrats sis! But before you dive into this next phase of your business, let's talk about the essential supplies you'll need to make your bakery dreams a reality.

As you know being a business owner is no easy task. It takes passion, perseverance, HUSTLE, and a whole lot of resourcefulness. But let me tell you, the journey is worth it. From working with countless students to collaborating with fellow business owners, I've seen firsthand that success comes to those who are willing to PUSH past the B.S., and make their dreams happen.

Now, let's get down to business. Here are the must-have supplies you’ll need for your dream bakery:

  1. Commercial Grade Oven: Your home oven got you to where you are today, but it's time to upgrade to a commercial-grade oven. This powerhouse will be able to...
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Is your business ruining your HEALTH?

May 21, 2024

I remember it was around Valentine’s Day, my staff had gone home for the night, it was about one in the morning, and I was cramping really bad, to the point that I should have taken myself to the hospital but because it was Valentine’s Day season in my bakery, I put it off. Looking back now, I’m pretty sure I was having a miscarriage. Fast forward, I never did anything about it in the moment but a few weeks after that things had escalated and I had to have a DNC.

I wanna have a little heart to heart for my business girlies who often skip lunch, skip the gym, put off doctors' appointments, and get caught up in the never-ending cycle of building/growing a business.

Your business is NOTHING without you and your health.

In the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey I remember being in that HUSTLE hard mentality and my health took a huge hit.

I wasn’t eating healthy, I was running on fumes, I would put off going to the gym or going to doctor appointments because...

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8 Winning Strategies for Small Business Owners during Slow Months

May 14, 2024

People think Entrepreneurship and running a business is GLAMOROUS. You get to make your own hours, you’re your own boss, you get to do what you want whenever you want. BUT the one thing people forget to mention is that you are the LAST PERSON to get paid!

So when business feels SLOW, it can be a frustrating, debilitating, anxiety-filled, and uncertain time. (Don’t worry, I’m gonna share 8 winning strategies you can implement to help you navigate these slow months in a sec, so keep on reading!)

You start to question your entire existence and purpose. You question if you’re worthy of success… if there is something better out there for you… if you’re good enough.

But from my experience of running 2 businesses for over a DECADE, through a pandemic, and a recession- when my sales started to dip there were ALWAYS a couple of factors at play. Sometimes it was because my offers weren’t enticing enough. Sometimes it was because I...

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How To Get People To Buy WHAT Youโ€™re Selling!

May 07, 2024

Mother’s Day is right around the corner friend! And if you haven’t been planning, preparing, and PROMOTING for the last 4-6 weeks you definitely MISSED the mark! But don’t stress! We can still make some sales happen!

Here’s the truth…

Conditioning your clients is a HUGE part of your success when it comes to Holiday Offerings and new product launches. But the most important thing is creating an OFFER or product that exudes VALUE and meets a pain point or DESIRE for your ideal client.

 Creating a product that solves a PROBLEM that your customers don’t even know they have to is the FIRST STEP to making your product a NO-BRAINER purchase.

But before developing your products, deciding on menu options, or narrowing down what to sell, you have to consider how to SOLVE THE BIGGEST PROBLEMS and/or DESIRES for your customers.

And this is HOW you’re gonna do that:


This is critical to the success of your business,...

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