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I'm an Artist, Educator, Multi-passionate Entrepreneur, and Founder of The Cake Mamas.


Because let's face it... If you're not making money, your business doesn't make sense.

Get to know me here!

The number #1 question you SHOULDN’T ask when PRICING YOUR PRODUCTS!

May 12, 2022

And what you SHOULD do instead

One of my biggest PET PEEVE is when people ask me: 

“How much do YOU think I should charge for my cakes?”

Because here’s the thing sis, HOW am I (or ANYONE) supposed to know how much YOU should be charging for YOUR cakes?

You’re the ONLY one who knows the cost of your ingredients, how much you wanna PAY yourself, the time it takes you to make a cake, and the $$$ going out of your bank account to buy equipment, cover costs, and keep your business going. 

So WHY are you giving someone else the power to decide your pricing for you?

If you really wanna start making the MONEY you deserve, you need to be  CLEAR on your EXPENSES and CREATE prices that DOUBLE your investment. 

Otherwise, you’re headed to Brokesville and your business will fail before it can even begin. 

Here’s what you need to do to start making the money you DESERVE: 

1 - Sometimes, you NEED to pay MORE upfront

Listen, just...

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TO THE MOMS WHO HATE MOTHER’S DAY | Blog | Janelle Copeland

May 03, 2022

I feel you... and I wanna let you know that you’re NOT ALONE!

In fact, most mother’s I’ve spoke to before I decided to write this blog told me that they don’t really like Mother’s Day; and this week on the PUSH Podcast, (you can listen HERE) I’m sharing WHY Mother’s Day SUCKS but since you’re here, this is 5 REASONS WHY Mom’s may hate Mother’s Day:

  1. Most of the time, it ends up feeling like just another day. There’s no intentional planning, and it feels like us Mom’s have to PLAN a day to be celebrated by others. And friend, I don't know about you, but that’s not how I FEEL Mother’s Day should be.

I want to be CELEBRATED in the same way that I celebrate everyone else.

And the hard truth is... it’s often US Mom’s who take the initiative to plan everything.

If you’re a mom who feels a little disappointed or feels like it’s MORE work than relaxation on Mother’s Day then...

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Why the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer

Apr 28, 2022

(And how to make money like the RICH even if you’re kinda broke right now)

Real Talk… 

85 individuals in the world have more combined wealth than the poorest 3.5 billion.

But, just because you’re not on the fast track to becoming the next Oprah, doesn’t mean you can’t steal some of her strategies. 

There are so many important money lessons you can learn from the rich – lessons that can get you a one-way ticket OUT of broke central. 

So, let’s get right into it. We’re talking four money tips you can put into practice TODAY to make money like the rich. 

1. Rich people are disciplined


64% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.

On one hand, people THINK they just don’t make enough money. They’re always praying for more money, praying for a raise, when really they need to pray for BETTER TOOLS & STRATEGIES to manage their money. 

To be honest with you friend, you can’t really...

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Money Habits that are Ruining Your Business

Apr 20, 2022

Listen up friends… It's time for some hard truths. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re working 18 hours a day in your business.

It doesn’t matter how much you’ve sacrificed. 

It doesn’t matter how many all-nighters you’ve pulled.

None of it matters if your money habits suck. 

I’m not gonna sugar coat it. I’m here to tell you how it is: You’re in business to make money. 

Yes, we wanna do amazing things for our customers. Yes, we love the ART and the CREATION. But none of that means sh*t if you aren’t making money. 

Your #1 responsibility as a business owner is to MAKE MONEY. Period. 

And that’s what we’re gonna talk about today. So grab a pen, take some notes, and keep on reading! 

If any of these money habits show up in your business, you’re slowly killing the success of yourself (and your business,) sis. 


Let’s dive in…These are the  Money...

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5 Personal Finance Habits that are Killing your Business | Blog | Janelle Copeland

Apr 15, 2022

I hear it all the time...

“Janelle, I’m bad with money”

“Janelle, I don’t like numbers”

“Janelle, I don’t know what my expenses were last month”

Alright y’all, I’m tired af of hearing people say “I’m bad with money”because real talk, you have NO business being a business owner if you aren’t SERIOUS about money. Period. 

It’s hard. Trust me, I get it. For the last 12 years, Eddie and I have INVESTED in our financial growth and have made it a GAME to have perfect credit, zero debt, and make our MONEY work for US! 

The problem with most of us is we were never taught how to do this sh*t in school. But, most of you didn’t go to school to learn how to bake either. So there’s that! 

Despite not knowing where to begin, or how to start, you figured it out and did the damn thang! And that’s something to be PROUD of! 

This is exactly why I wanna...

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7 Tip to Help You Find More Work-Life Balance

Apr 11, 2022

We're willing to do almost anything to maximize our productivity, perform at our best, and crush our career goals. But in the pursuit of getting ahead, we lose sight of what matters most. We're constantly trying to make it to the next big thing, and sometimes we miss out on the very things that could have made us happier and fulfilled. All work and no play will not only lead to burn-out, but it will also lead to a life that's out of balance. Sometimes the very thing you need is LESS! While It might seem counterproductive, taking on fewer orders and giving up perfectionism is actually key to healthy work-life balance.

Everyone's definition of work-life balance differs, but finding a healthy separation between work and life allows you to feel refreshed and productive - in turn, allowing you to pursue your business goals further. If you’re looking to find or maintain more balance, look no further. Check out these 7 tips to help you find more work-life balance.

1. STOP trying to...

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ON THE REAL: I need to lose 20 pounds. | Janelle Copeland

Mar 29, 2022

Let’s be honest… Weight is a big deal for most women. But we really don't talk about it OPENLY much, do we? Well, I wanna share a few things I’ll be focusing on over the next month or so because I think it might inspire YOU to also take action! 

Eddie and I used to be BODYBUILDERS! We won 1st place in 2 competitions, and then decided we were done with it. 

One because we went an ENTIRE YEAR with NO SUGAR! And truthfully, we fell out of love with that way-too-over-the-top “HEALTHY” lifestyle. Yet 7 years later, we’re jumping back in! *Not into bodybuilding, but we both really wanna dedicate some time to get into better shape. 

So, here’s our commitment: During the month of April, Eddie and I are committing to lose 10 lbs. Now I know it’s waaay easier for men, so LORD PRAY FOR ME! But I thought I’d invite you to come along with us!

If you’ve been putting your health off, and you wanna join me, join The Pusher...

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Not my circus, not my monkeys

Mar 22, 2022

To say things have been chaotic in the Copeland household is an understatement. 

We could easily complain, break down, seek out empathy from others, and play the victim card but we just aren’t those people. 

Instead, we’ve held it together (for the most part), have come together as a family, and are pushing through one day at a time. 

We’ll dive into all the details in this week’s PUSH podcast episode (you won’t wanna miss this)! 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • Intentionality is parenting (07:42)
  • Enthusiasm is key to success (15:54)
  • Sh*t everywhere (18:16)
  • Chaos all over (24:49)
  • Hella efficiency (25:12)
  • Not my circus, not my monkeys (32:20)
  • Life lesson from Jordan Copeland (34:30)

The one thing that comes to mind as we deal with all this craziness is intention. 

We’ve realized after 40 years that when you show up in life with intention and purpose, things just have a way of working...

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We’re Surrounded By Idiots!!!

Mar 17, 2022

I want to be clear that we don't think anyone's an idiot. We're just not those types of people. So if you clicked on this blog post to hear some, then friend, I’m sorry, this isn’t the blog for you. 

If you know anything about us from Instagram, Facebook, in real life or even if you've been listening to the push podcast for a while, you know that our entire segment on what in the world is literally our way of being curious about dumb shit that people do, that we think might be kind of dumb or odd. But it's still us showing up in a way that's curious! 

That’s really what this episode of the PUSH Podcast stemmed from; curiosity around how people act and communicate. 

So, I wanna ask: do you solely hang out with people who have similar beliefs to you? It’s tempting to always surround yourself with people who have the same personality type as you. You fire each other up, you push the other to make decisions and take actions you would normally...

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What to do when life is NOT going your way!

Mar 08, 2022

I think we can all agree that life isn’t in any way shape or form easy. In fact it’s the exact opposite. Life is freaking HARD. No one gives you a manual for it and you just kinda have to wing it as you go. But that’s also the beauty in life. 

So the question is, “what do you do when life is just NOT going your way?” 

Do you crumble at the thought of getting out of bed in the morning? Do you fake your way through the bullshit? Do you power through and trust that everything will work out in the end? 

Everyone copes with obstacles and challenges differently but what we’ve found is that ignoring and hiding from our problems will only lead us to breaking down; physically and mentally. 

Would you agree? 

Life is full of challenges and sometimes it doesn’t matter how hard we try; things just feel like they’re piling on top of us. We’ve definitely been there and it can also feel really lonely. 


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