The Guide To Getting Raving Testimonials for Your Bakery Business Signup
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The Guide To Getting Raving Testimonials for Your Bakery Business

May 02, 2023

The SECRET ingredient most business owners FAIL to leverage in their marketing strategy? Client testimonials.

Seriously, client reviews are the frosting on top of your cake, the sprinkles on your donut, and the cherry on your sundae. And Here’s why:

  • They’re PROOF your products work – and are LOVED! (you’re SHOWING, not telling)
  • They build your credibility and authority – and tell people you can be TRUSTED
  • You can use them to highlight all the different ages and categories you serve – from early office-goers who love your buttery croissants to kids who wolf down your chocolate frosted donuts after soccer practice.

In today’s blog post, I’m sharing ALL the tips and tricks you need to know to collect effective testimonials for your bakery business. Let’s go!

How to ASK for a testimonial

I get it. Most business owners AVOID asking for customer feedback because of a few different reasons:

  • You feel awkward asking- talk about the rejection!!
  • You’re scared of receiving negative feedback. No one wants to feel sh*tty about the work they put their heart and soul into.

But you need to put those feelings aside and STEP UP, sis.

‘Cause these key tips will make asking for testimonials as easy as piping buttercream on a cupcake:

  • Strike while the iron oven is hot:

Ask for feedback immediately after a purchase or visit. This way, your customers' experiences are fresh in their minds and they're more likely to leave a review.

  • Leverage social media:

Encourage your customers to share their pictures and experiences online. Make sure they know to tag you or use your bakery’s hashtag so it’s easier for you to find and reshare their posts!

  • Offer freebies:

Everyone loves free goodies. Offer customers an incentive or reward for leaving a review. It could be as simple as a free choco chip brownie or a discount on their next visit. This will encourage your customers to share their thoughts AND give them a reason to come back next time (win-win!).

  • Create a feedback form:

A simple and user-friendly feedback form will let customers provide detailed feedback in a structured and well-organized manner that’s easy for you to read and analyze.

BONUS: If you’re struggling to find the right words, here’s a short and sweet template you can use to request your client's feedback:

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you so much for choosing our bakery! We’re thrilled that you dropped in and we really hope you enjoyed your visit.

We’re always looking for ways to improve and we’d love to know more about your experience at [bakery name]. Would you be open to leaving us a quick review?

Here are a few questions to get you started:

[Your Name]

What a KILLER testimonial needs

There’s more to a testimonial than a bunch of over-the-top adjectives.

You want testimonials to be specific, outline tangible results, and highlight your brand’s USP (unique selling proposition) or personality.

And the ONLY way to make sure that happens is by asking the RIGHT questions.

Here are some questions I used ALL the time at The Cake Mamas:

(That got me some KILLER testimonials 👇)

  1. What’s your favorite item from our bakery and why?
  2. What do you like best about our bakery?
  3. Can you describe the taste and texture of our products?
  4. How was your experience with our customer service?
  5. Can you share a specific example of how our products have benefited you?
  6. How often do you visit our bakery, and what keeps you coming back?
  7. Can you describe a time when our products helped make a special occasion even more memorable?
  8. Is there anything we could have done better?

These prompts will provide more direction to your customers and help them share specific and detailed feedback about their experiences.

How to use testimonials in your MARKETING

Once you’ve collected all those RAVING reviews, you need to showcase them to show prospective customers WHY they should work with you!

There are 2 things you need to consider here:

1) WHERE to display them

Feature your testimonials prominently on your website, social media, and physical store. On your website, the key pages that you MUST add testimonials to are: your homepage, product pages, and checkout page.

You can also incorporate testimonials into your marketing campaigns and email newsletters. Add quotes from satisfied customers in your social media or print ads to DRAMATICALLY improve your conversion rates.

2) HOW to display them

Nobody wants to read a sad old block of text. Your testimonials need to be visually appealing so they immediately grab your reader’s attention. Think bright colors, bold fonts, and catchy graphics.

If you’re sharing product reviews, add a MOUTH-WATERING display of the product alongside it. You can also feature your customer’s photos with their review – this humanizes your customer and helps your leads relate better to them!

PRO TIP: BALANCE is everything here. Too few testimonials will reduce your chances of converting a prospect. BUT too many, and your page will look like a messy kitchen after a baking frenzy (trust me, no one likes overkill).

So there you have it, sis! 5 simple steps to bag those raving testimonials for your bakery business. Remember, satisfied customers are your BIGGEST advocates, and their reviews are the MOST important ingredient in your marketing strategy. So get out there NOW and start collecting those nuggets of GOODNESS!

If you have any questions or need additional support, shoot me a DM on Instagram (@janellecopeland) and I’ll get back to you ASAP!


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