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Is Entrepreneurship right for you?

Feb 07, 2023

Now that we’re a MONTH into 2023 (can you believe it?) Some of us are still going strong on those new year’s resolutions, but for many of us, the motivation may be dying down a bit. But I believe that it’s NEVER too late to start something new. And taking MESSY, imperfect action (even if it looks different from what you envisioned or planned) is better than wondering what COULD’VE been. You feel me?? 

And one of the best ways to do something different, I think,  is by leveraging your expertise and starting a business of your own…

Maybe you’ve thought this before too? 

But REAL TALK: Most people don’t even know if entrepreneurship is the right path for them, or if they even HAVE the energy and resources they need to get their business up and running.

But that’s what I’m here for. So I’m gonna cut to the chase. Here are 3 things to CONSIDER if you're looking to drop that 9-5, start a side hustle, or become your own boss in 2023: 

 You’re gonna do things you DIDN’T sign up for

And the list is endless.

REAL TALK: People like to ROMANTICIZE the idea of running a business. They think that if they can wake up everyday and get to do something they LOVE and are passionate about that they’ll be happier. You know what they say, “Is it really work, if you’re doing what you love?” My answer: YES it is! And while you may be happier not going to that job you hate, it’s not the case for everyone.

Running a business is WORK. And the FACT is that there’s a LOT more to it than baking and making pretty things. In fact, more than half of the time, you’re going to be neck-deep in paperwork, figuring out finances, marketing, processes, leadership, and SO MUCH more. As a business owner, you’re gonna be wearing multiple hats, even if you have team members to delegate to (which is RARE to have in the beginning, but that’s a story for another time), and that’s something most people who’re starting out don’t even realize. 

It’s going to cost you MORE than just money. 

Everyone knows starting a business costs money. A lottttttttttt of money!  But the TRUE cost is more than just a number… 

To be successful in business, you’re going to spend TONS of hours every week (yes, including weekends and holidays) just trying to figure sh*t out. You’ll be investing your skills trying to build this idea from the ground up and pour all your emotions into being the best baker, photographer, maker, creator you can be. All while trying to create and market products that get people EXCITED to buy from you. You’ll fail many times before you get things right, and you’ll have to take special care of your mental health while at it. And because chances are this is your first time starting a business, you’ll have to put in some extra time and energy to LEARN things from scratch. And that’s something you need to be prepared for.

You CAN’T take sh*t personally. 

I’m known to tell it like it is, sis. So here’s the truth: NOT everyone is going to support you. PERIODT.  Sometimes, even your family members and the people you EXPECT love and support from will disappoint you. You’ll often be met with skepticism and rejection, which will be painful.

And the truth is that not everyone will love your products or give your 5-star reviews either, because you’re not meant to please and serve everyone. 

But it’s not going to be the end of the world. And you’ll need to learn not to take things PERSONALLY. This business is NOT your “baby”, so you can’t treat it like one. We just keep it movin’.

Now, all this can be INTIMIDATING AF and it may sound like starting a business SUCKS, But the good news is that 1) you’re NOT alone (and we’ve all got your back in this community) and 2) I’ve got some resources to HELP!

With my FREE Online Business Readiness Quiz, you’ll know EXACTLY how ready you are to start your business. 

But that’s not all! I’ll also be emailing you my “Bake Out Your Business Bundle” that includes TONS of resources to help you get started - whether you’re still in the DREAMING stage or a few orders in! 

Here’s what’s inside:

  • 8 Tips To Help You PROPERLY Name Your Business
  • How To Start A Business RIGHT! Your Small Business Startup Checklist
  • Business Expense Essentials for Small Businesses - So you can start TRACKING now!
  • A 10-Step Checklist to Making Your Business LEGIT and ensure you're starting this business the RIGHT way!

PLUS, you'll receive a BONUS of must-have APPS and resources you'll need for your business! 

(Consider this my late new year’s present to you!)

Take the quiz HERE and let’s take your biz to the next level!

Xo, Janelle 


80% Complete

You will definitely be the first to know when enrollment for our 10-week masterclass is open. 

Sign up now to learn more and get on the PASSION TO PROFIT WAITLIST here!