5 Tips To Prepare Your Bakery For The Mother's Day Rush Signup
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5 Tips To Prepare Your Bakery For The Mother's Day Rush

May 11, 2023

You guys!! Mother’s Day is RIGHT around the corner, and it’s time to kick things into high gear especially if you haven’t started planning and preparing!

But let's be real – you aren’t going to see record-breaking sales if you don’t have a solid game plan and a killer strategy. In today’s blog post, I’m giving you 5 ESSENTIAL tips that’ll help you get organized and plan-ful so you can crush it this Mother's Day. We're talking about scrambling at the last minute, sidestepping forgotten orders, and making a sh*t ton of sales. So take some notes and let’s dive in!

(Btw, did y’all know May 10th is Mexican Mother’s Day? Here’s a special shoutout to all the Mexican mamas out there – Feliz Día de las Madres!)

#1-Review last year’s sales

I know reviewing sales data doesn’t sound exciting, but trust me, it’s CRUCIAL if you wanna stay ahead of the game and continue to GROW in business.

Look at your sales reports, previous order records, and inventory management software to understand what sold well and what didn't in the previous years. For instance, did those cute cupcake bouquets fly off the shelves or were people more into classic cakes? Did they go for your famous cookies or something more personalized?

You need to analyze trends and demand patterns to make informed decisions about WHAT to make and HOW MUCH to produce this year. If the data shows there was a surge in sales for mini cakes, make sure you include those in this years menu. And if the keto trend is still going strong, consider adding some low-carb options to your menu. Remember to think about who your customer fell in love with last year and how can you replicate that this year but improve upon it.

#2-Plan your menu and inventory

Nobody wants to be that business owner4 who leaves customers hanging with little to no options or has to run out in the middle of their day to grab more inventory because they didn’t plan accordingly.

Plan your menu and inventory ahead of time!

Trust me, your future self (and customers) will thank you for it!

To plan your inventory, use sales data from previous years to understand demand patterns. And make sure to offer PRE-ORDERS! This will help you get a better idea of how much you should offer for grab-and-go and where you’re as far as sales goals. Consider ordering extra ingredients and supplies to avoid running out of stock. It's always better to have a little too much than to not have enough. Remember, managing inventory levels is KEY to meeting demand and avoiding waste.

But let’s be real: even with the best planning, there will ALWAYS be customers who come in at the last minute with specific AF requests.

Here are 2 quick fixes to keep them happy:

  1. Have a few versatile items on hand that can be easily modified or decorated to fit different occasions. For example, you can jazz up a plain cake with some frosting, sprinkles, or fruit.
  2. Offer customizable options that can be personalized with a message or a special decoration. Your customers will love the chance to put their own spin on their sweet treats, and you'll love the extra sales.

#3-Train your staff

If you wanna tackle the Mother's Day rush like a pro, you need to make sure your staff is on the same page as you. That means training them to handle the holiday rush and provide EXCELLENT customer service without getting stressed or overwhelmed.

  • Clearly outline roles and expectations.

Go over procedures and protocols, and have them practice handling various scenarios. Role-playing is a great way to get them in the mindset of dealing with large volumes of customers.

  • Provide cheat sheets.

Make a list of frequently asked questions and answers, special orders, and anything else that may come up during the rush. If things get crazy, your staff will have a handy guide to refer to that’ll keep them from getting panicky and overwhelmed.

Remember: NONE of this will matter if your staff can't communicate effectively. When it comes to the holiday rush, TEAMWORK makes the dream work. So encourage your staff to help each other out and keep things running smoothly. Remember, you're all in this together!

#4-Optimize your systems

If you want things to run smoothly on the BIG day, it’s time to take a cold, hard look at your systems and find ways to streamline things for maximum efficiency.

3 tips to get you started:

  • Pre-measure ingredients and prepare your workstations ahead of time.

This will save you precious time during the rush and help you keep up with demand. For example, you can measure out dry ingredients for your signature cake the night before, or pre-heat your ovens and line your baking trays in advance.

  • Assign specific tasks to each team member to avoid confusion and minimize downtime.

This could include having one person focus on taking orders, another on packaging items, and another on preparing drinks or snacks. Assign tasks based on team members’ strengths to optimize your workflow and reduce wait times.

  • Create a separate pickup station for pre-orders.

This will help reduce congestion at your counter. Put up clear signage and labeling to make it easy for customers to know where to go and how to find their orders.

#5 Offer delivery or pick-up options

Not everyone will have time to come down to your bakery on Mother’s Day. Partner with a third-party delivery platform like Uber Eats, Postmates or DoorDash to offer home delivery options to your customers.

This will make ordering more convenient for your customers and expand your reach to people who live beyond the immediate vicinity of your store. AND it’ll reduce the long-wait times and congestion at your store. (it’s a WIN-WIN!)

Here are 2 things to consider:

  • Create a delivery menu: Create a separate menu that's designed for delivery. This menu should include items that travel well, are easy to transport, and have a longer shelf life.
  • Communicate delivery options: Make sure to communicate delivery options clearly on your website and social media platforms. Share pictures of your baked goods and encourage customers to order online or via phone for delivery or pick-up.

So there you go, sis – those are my TOP TIPS to help you prep your bakery to handle the Mother’s Day rush like a PRO. Remember to stay calm, keep your cool and give yourself grace for accidents and mistakes- YOU GOT THIS!

P.S. To all my mamas hustling hard out there – Mother’s Day is WILD but don’t forget that YOU deserve a break too!

Once the sale’s done and your last pick-up is gone – make sure to take some much-needed R&R! And I’m not talking about parenting OR baking (we love it but c’mon!). I’ve recently started taking golf lessons and TBH I’m LOVING the me-time. Do y’all have any hobbies outside of work and family? Tell me in the comments and give yourself the gift of doing something you LOVE. Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow BOSS BAKERS – go kill it!

PPS. If you need more support and help around how to strategize and prepare for ANY HOLIDAY in your baking business- check out my workshop: How to DOUBLE your holiday sales to learn how to eliminate stress and WIN BIG in your business during ANY HOLIDAY!


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