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I'm an Artist, Educator, Multi-passionate Entrepreneur, and Founder of The Cake Mamas.


Because let's face it... If you're not making money, your business doesn't make sense.

Get to know me here!

Friends, Family, & Entrepreneurship!

Apr 30, 2024

The mindset of an ENTREPRENEUR is DIFFERENT than the mindset of an employee…


When you surround yourself with people who have the same mindset as you, the conversations are different.

They support you. The sympathize with you. And not saying your friends and family can’t do that… BUT when you’re able to turn to a fellow aspiring entrepreneur for support, they just GET IT!

This is a HUGE part of why I do what I do. COMMUNITY is UNDERRATED and UNDER APPRECIATED in the world of entrepreneurship.

Running a business is LONELY AF…

I had ZERO friends when I first started my business. Simply because I was SO BUSY trying to do something that 90% of people in the world don’t want to do.

Most days and nights, I was struggling in silence trying to build my business into something that could make money. (And if you know anything about my story, then you know it HAD TO WORK!)

I was tired, overwhelmed, and had NO ENERGY to pour into...

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When deliveries go WRONG!

Apr 23, 2024

How to handle HORRIBLE deliveries!

What if I told you we DROPPED THIS CAKE?! …

The customer looks happy with it, right? Well, IT’S FAKE because we had a DELIVERY CATASTROPHE with the “real cake” during transport… 112 degrees, middle of the summer, over an hour of traffic, AND… a CAR ACCIDENT!  

The cake not only flew around the back of my trunk, (and was COMPLETELY DESTROYED) but it also melted! So… we had to get resourceful, round up 50 cupcakes from the bakery (to compensate for dessert servings), then recreate the cake on DUMMY FOAMS in record-breaking time, in order to deliver it to the customer, and not COMPLETELY RUIN her event! AND then we also refunded her order…


No one wants to ever experience a delivery gone wrong but unfortunately, it’s going to happen whether you want it to or not.

So, what do you do when SH*T goes wrong?

Let’s talk about it!

First up, delayed deliveries. Traffic...

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How to RESPOND to Customers When They Don't Want to Pay Your Price

Apr 16, 2024

We've all heard it before... "you're out of my budget," OR "Omg, that's so expensive!" This can be frustrating as a business owner BUT it's our job to articulate and educate our customers WHY our prices are what they are. It's not just about defending your prices; it's about confidently conveying the value of what you bring to the table.

So how do you do that? Keep on reading to learn how to respond to customers when they don't wanna pay your price like a boss.

First things first, practicing valuing your self-worth is vital. If you don't believe in the value of what you're offering, how can you expect customers to? Every small business owner needs to build a foundation of confidence in their products and services and in THEMSELVES. And the only way to do this is through taking action.

Remember, objections aren't personal attacks against YOU; they are opportunities for you to educate and enlighten your customers. This was a lesson I learned firsthand in my own business. Was I crazy...

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Moving, Growth, and Business!

Apr 09, 2024

ICYMI… WE’RE MOVING TO DC in just a few short weeks!

Our house is chaotic, we have NO IDEA where we’re gonna live, and everything is hanging in the balance. Am I freaking out yet? NO…

Here’s why: I’ve gone through so many changes, obstacles, and challenges over my lifetime. Especially during the season of my life when I was knee-deep in my bakery. There were so many seasons of uncertainty, and unwelcome issues that looking back they were shitty in the moment, BUT everything always works out. So, as I pack up 18 years' worth of memories and prepare for this new adventure, I'm reminded of how challenges and uncertainties can actually fuel growth.

Change can be scary, but it's also an opportunity for creativity, adaptation, and pushing boundaries. Just like in business, embracing change and the unknown can lead to unexpected opportunities and success.

Fun Fact, before we did Cupcake Wars, we were approached about 3 times before we actually said...

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Why you NEED to Embrace Change in Business (and Your Life!)

Apr 02, 2024

Change is a constant and unpredictable force that shapes our lives in ways we can't control. As much as we wish we could! Recently, I've had to confront this reality head-on (keep reading to hear all about it)! This transition, while exciting and exhausting, has me reflecting on change and its impact on our personal lives and as small business owners.

Just a couple of weeks ago, my husband Eddie got a phone call that changed our ENTIRE lives! He put his name in the hat for an amazing new position at his company and… he GOT IT!! So we accepted and now this month we are packing up our entire lives in California and making the move across the country. While we’re SO EXCITED about this new chapter in our lives I wouldn’t be 100% honest if I didn’t say, I’m full of anticipation to just get everything done all at once and just get there. BUT… that’s not how life works.

Change often triggers a mix of emotions and anxiety. And change impacts me no...

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Unlocking Social Media Success: What to Say When You Donโ€™t know WHAT TO SAY!

Mar 26, 2024

Are you feeling lost in the world of social media content creation? It's a common struggle, but there's a simple solution friend: clarity.

Do you feel like this???

 You’re always looking at other people’s content for ideas instead of them looking at yours!

 You’re lost on what content to do and how to structure it so it actually performs (views, shares, comments, opt-ins, leads, sales).

 You’re not sure what content you should be producing so you’re not producing ANY!

 You don’t even know if your videos are working!

 You’re wasting time with content that doesn’t produce many views, shares, or comments!  Your content is randomly all over the place

It’s taking too much of your time and not producing the revenue you want

Here's the deal: if you're not seeing results from your videos and posts, it might be because you haven't defined your goals. By identifying your impact and the revenue you WANNA...

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Healthy Habits for Small Business Owners: Balancing Wellness and Work

Mar 19, 2024

Hey friends! Today I wanna chat with you about something that has been on my heart and mind recently: finding that sweet spot between running your small business and keeping your sanity intact. So grab a seat and let's dive into it!

Keeping the Balance: Self-Care and Entrepreneurship

Alright, let's kick things off with the hustle. I UNSUBSCRIBED from Hustle culture yearrrrrsssss ago! WHY? Because it’s unsustainable and only leads you down a rabbit hole of resentment, burnout, and frustration. However, I know it's part of being a small business owner, but here's the thing – burnout is real. You need to make time to pour into yourself. Self-care isn't just some trendy buzzword – it's essential. Whether it's taking a long, hot bubble bath, going for a leisurely walk, or simply chilling out with a good book, make sure to carve out some "me time" every single day. One thing I implemented years ago was scheduling breaks every few weeks so I always had something to look...

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Mastering the Art of Dealing with Difficult Customers

Mar 12, 2024

Running a small business is full of ebbs and flows. Some seasons will be prosperous while others will feel like you’re in the middle of Death Valley praying for someone to come and save you. But one of the things small business owners don’t really talk about is difficult customers. Sure, they’ll complain about them to their spouses or friends and family, BUT no one ever really talks about how to deal with them. While they are only a SMALL portion of your overall clientele, they can ruin your day (sometimes weeks for that matter)! This blog is all about helping you, the small business owner, turn those tough customer moments into growth opportunities.

Let’s dive in…

Know Your Difficult Customers

First up, let's talk about who these difficult customers are. They come in all shapes and sizes - the indecisive ones, the hard bargainers, the complainers, and the know-it-alls. Getting to know their quirks and what makes them tick can help you respond better....

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How To Find Customers Who LOVE What You Offer!

Mar 05, 2024

Starting your own business can be a rewarding yet challenging journey, especially when it comes to marketing. One of the first hurdles is identifying and attracting those elusive dream customers who not only love what you offer but are also eager to buy it. For small business owners, entrepreneurs, and especially the hardworking women in business and mompreneurs, knowing how to resonate with your target audience can make all the difference. But the big question is - how do you find these customers?

Understanding Your Dream Customer

Imagine your dream client. If I told you that I was building your DREAM business tomorrow... And you were going to grand open in one month, what would you do to attract customers? Before you can captivate your ideal clients, you must first understand the mindset of your dream customers. And getting into this mindset requires thoughtful consideration of their needs, desires, and pain points. I would also ask WHAT type of customer do YOU as a business owner...

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What I did to make 6-figures in my bakery business!

Feb 27, 2024

It's no surprise that MONEY and the BAKING INDUSTRY are big hot topics. I think it's mostly because our industry is comprised of people who LOVE what they are doing, have stumbled into this passion, and have decided to turn it into a business. The problem is they love what they get to do but they don't have that same passion for numbers and math. So, if you start a business without having the business knowledge, or background, and you really don't like numbers, it's going to be HARD for you to sell your products and make money! That's why I wanna share my story with you about how I make 6-figures in my bakery business and what you can do to achieve the same! Because let's be real... what's available to me is possible for you TOO! Let's get into it!

Before 6-figures...

It wasn't EASY at all. When I started my bakery, I had just filed for bankruptcy. So I couldn't find funding or take out loans. Banks saw my bankruptcy from my past and thought I was too much of a risk. So I started,...

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