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I'm an Artist, Educator, Multi-passionate Entrepreneur, and Founder of The Cake Mamas.


Because let's face it... If you're not making money, your business doesn't make sense.

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How I Got 2.7 Million Followers

Jun 30, 2020

The way you envision your life doesn’t always go as planned. As humans we do it all the time. We decide on a goal, life plans, and how we envision the journey to get there; and then in an instant, nothing goes as you pictured it. 


Our guest on this week’s PUSH, Amber Spiegel knows exactly what that feels like. But her determination and constant focus on what she wanted to do for her life kept her from falling into the hole failure. 


We’re talking to Amber about her story and how she won the hearts of 2.7 MILLION people, and how her pivot in her career led to her finding her true passion and purpose in the baking community. 


Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie, Amber, and I discussed… 


  • How Amber combined her love for baking and art to find her passion (01:43)
  • Getting a dream job at Wilton but realizing it limited her creativity (04:54)
  • Finding your passion and chasing it with laser focus (09:35)
  • Investing...
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Jun 23, 2020

Is it just me or am I the only who is so damn UNMOTIVATED?


Over the past few months of quarantine, I’ve been slacking. I haven’t been my normal self and I think I know why. Regardless of the fact that we were basically FORCED to stay inside here in California, (not complaining)  I realized that when I’m thrown off of my routine, I fall off course. 


When I have no structure, when I have no restrictions, I do whatever the hell I want and I lose track of what my goals and intentions are moving forward. 


Be honest, as I’m sitting here writing this blog post, I don’t even feel like doing this! So bad I know… 


BUT hey, I’m making progress. I’m here. I’m writing this blog post. And I’m PUSHING through the lack of motivation I have because I know that pushing forward is going to result in greater blessings and accomplishments for the year. 


On this week's PUSH I got real...

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Jun 09, 2020

There is so MUCH uncertainty happening all around us right now, with race being at the center of it. For those who don’t know us, Eddie is black, our daughters are black; because of this, our family has had to have discussions over the years about racism and equality for the black community. We’ve had to have discussions about fears when being addressed by law enforcement, we’ve had discussions about our history for the black community, we’ve talked about racism and being judged for the color of their skin. If you aren’t having these discussions with your children right now, THAT’S PRIVILEGE.


For the past few weeks, we’ve been having these discussions on a daily basis, as a family. As a family we’ve been protesting. We’ve been signing petitions. As a family, we’ve been sending emails. We’ve been leveraging our platforms and raising our voices. 


BUT even with all that… it’s NOT...

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RACISM In The Copeland Household!

Jun 04, 2020


If you’re NOT talking to your children about what’s going on right now, that’s  PRIVILEGE. 


Being able to NOT look at and acknowledge what is happening is a PRIVILEGE. 


Before we sat down to record this episode of the PUSH podcast, we attended a protest in L.A., as a family. With our teenage daughters because WE, as a family, WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. We don't want to just watch from home while others are fighting for injustice. And we don't think that “sending prayers” is enough. We want to DEMAND CHANGE. 


Know that not all protests are violent. So don’t believe everything you see on T.V. 

In fact, 99% of people are really trying to protest against INEQUALITY. It’s the 1% that resort to vandalism and destruction. -NOT SOMETHING WE CONDONE. 


It was extremely emotional for all of us to be there… 

We cried for at least the first 30 mins of the march. For a few...

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When Your Outlook Just Sucks!

Jun 02, 2020

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? 


This week we’re asking very tough questions that are going to get down to the truth: Are you an optimist or a pessimist? 


In reality, you may think you’re an optimist but really your outlook is jaded and is holding you back from seeing the opportunities to move forward in your life. You may not know it but your outlook affects so many things in your life, from your health to your internal happiness. It’s scientifically proven that the daily practice of gratitude and optimism boosts your happiness which in turn results in a happier life. 


In this episode we’re helping you identify if you’re an optimist or a pessimist and whether you need a PUSH to change your outlook. 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed...

  • Why you need a strong sense of optimism to persevere through challenges in life (02:39)
  • Are optimists out of touch with reality? (12:04)
  • Pessimists see...
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When To Quit & When To Rest

May 26, 2020

It’s okay to NOT be okay. 


For the past couple of months, I’ve been GO GO GO and now I’m just tired, overworked and overwhelmed.


I’ve experienced some of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. I’ve been constantly on the go and I’ve realized that I’ve made myself, my joy, and my happiness; my lowest priority. I’m completely BURNT OUT and I just had to take a break. 


So this week, I wanted to talk to you guys about when is the time to quit and when is the time to rest. 


Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie & I discussed… 

  • You can't always be in a state of motivation and drive (02:39)
  • Understanding the trigger points that make you feel like giving up (04:32)
  • Why sticking to a routine helps you avoid overworking and burnouts (12:19)
  • Finding an outlet to recharge to avoid becoming obsessed with one thing (14:20)
  • Asking yourself questions to identify your trigger points...
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Stuck? Move Your Ass!

May 19, 2020

Do you feel STUCK more than ever? You may be asking yourself, “How do I get through this?” 


Well friend, you may not like my answer but you’ve got to LET GO! Just let it go! The weight you’re carrying. The worry you feel on a daily basis. The anxiety of what the day holds; you’ve got to let that shit go! 


In this episode, I’m sharing my secrets to HOW I’ve pushed forward during this time of uncertainty. I’m choosing to let go of the frustration. To let go of the worry. To let go of needing control. 


Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed…

  • Figuring out how to meet your customers where they are at and fulfill a need (06:57)
  • Throwing ideas and having zero attachment whether they fail or succeed (09:07)
  • Letting go to create space for new ideas and new life (11:49)
  • Using the situation you are in to learn new things about your business (17:55)
  • Moving aside your fears and...
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8 Critical Skills That Will SAVE YOUR LIFE

May 12, 2020

To achieve growth in life, you have to be in pursuit of something. Whether that something is health, wealth, love, or positive habits; in order to grow you must look forward to something big in the future that you can continually work on right now. 


When you recenter your focus on what it is that you want to achieve, you’ll find that you will do anything and everything to achieve it. The sacrifices and the delayed gratification won’t feel as heavy as they were before. Why? Because you’ll now have a daily routine to help you stay accountable. You’ll dive into new and better things that will help shape your mindset to achieve and retain the success you dream of. 


That’s why in this special episode of the PUSH podcast we’re giving you access to one of our coaching calls with our most recent group of 30-day challenge members. We’re diving into the eight critical skills that will SAVE your life, especially now during...

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Eddieā€™s 40th Birthday!

May 05, 2020

We’re so EXCITED about this week’s episode because we’re celebrating Eddie’s 40th Birthday! HOLY CRAP!!! 


Since we’re celebrating Eddie’s birthday we decided to bring on our three daughters and talk about everything we LOVE about Eddie and the crazy things he does that brings so much joy into our lives. 


We’ll touch on topics like little things that Eddie does that makes him seem older than he really is, like using words that people don’t use anymore, how funny Eddie is, and what he’s learned through the 40 years of his life.


Eddie’s perspective has shifted so much over the years and to see him transition from a young parent to one of the most incredible fathers to our children has been incredible and so rewarding. Eddie’s determination, focus, patience, and joy is something we couldn’t live without and we’re so excited to share this week's episode with you. 



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Are You Stuck Or Pushing Through?

Apr 28, 2020

This episode is such a special one for us, not only because it’s about PUSHING those who are feeling stuck but we’ve invited on some very special people to share their story of fear, failure and ultimately SUCCESS! 


On this episode of the PUSH podcast, we’re bringing on two of our tribe members who are former students of our Passion To Profit masterclass. Andrea and Briana are a mother-daughter duo who BOTH own incredible businesses, Cake By Gala Bakery and Brewja Coffee. 


Both their businesses were hit HARD by the Coronavirus. They CLOSED their doors to their customers. Had just spent over thousands of dollars in inventory, let go of ALL their employees and didn’t know what to do or what to say to their customers and community members. 


After only a few days of being closed to the public, Briana had an idea that would change BOTH their businesses forever! 


Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie & I...

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