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“You’re Not Supposed To Be Here”- Uncomfortable Conversation With The Copelands Part 2

Jan 29, 2021


When we started this podcast over a year ago (crazy right?!), our main goal was to be open, honest, and treat every single conversation as if we were hosting a backyard barbecue with our friends just talking about life. 

Originally, we were hesitant about sharing this episode because we don’t want this podcast to be ALL about race, politics, and COVID; even though all of those things are current conversations in our household; but this podcast is designed to help us show up differently and push through in life while having empathy, understanding, and seeing things from other people's perspectives.  

The past couple of episodes have been centered around social injustice, racial inequality, and the pandemic but we believe that these conversations help with healing and seeing the perspective that other's have to offer.  

In light of this, we’re sharing a recent story that occurred during our 16th wedding anniversary celebration. 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed…

  • Holding uncomfortable conversations to push us into greater empathy (00:50)
  • How expanding your belief system help you win in your business and career (03:26)
  • What white privilege looks like - You are not supposed to be here (11:10)
  • Building consciousness to understand what other people go through (22:18)
  • Healing and mending through difficult conversations (24:53)
  • Will you be on the wrong side of history (36:11)

After listening, you might have an immediate reaction to WHY we’re sharing this story but really our hope is that you walk away after listening and think about if the shoe was on the other foot, how do you think the situation would be reversed? 

I hope you enjoy this week’s episode! 

Listener Of The Week

Thank you so much for your 5-star review, Jay! We’re so glad you’re loving the episodes and can relate to the conversations. We hope you PUSH forward through life with empathy, understanding, and a new perspective! Keep on pushing! 

***OH, I forgot to mention. Write us a review on Apple Podcasts and you can receive some FREE PUSHER merch!! Check out our Instagram and Facebook for more details! 



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Are you feeling extra loving today? Then we would love it if you could take the time to show us some love by writing a review! They help us help others by finding our episodes! Plus, they make us laugh, smile, and PUSH us even when we need some extra motivating! Plus, it’s an awesome way to tell us what you wanna hear next! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let us know what you wanna hear next or what your favorite part of the podcast was! Thank you for showing us all your love! 



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Text us! Text 626-469-4408! 





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