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How to PREPARE for your PROBLEMS!

Dec 15, 2020

Shit happens and unfortunately it’s stuff we have no control over. 

Listen, nobody wakes up inviting problems into their lives with open arms. But the reality of life is that we’re not always in control of ALL of the things that happen to us on a daily basis. 

In this episode we’re talking about life’s ups and downs and how to stay focused on the things you can control versus manifesting the things you can’t. 


Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • Why you need to have a certain level of preparedness for what can happen (21:39)
  • How to prepare mentally and emotionally for problems (22:54)
  • Life is about ebbs and flows, ups and downs (23:44)
  • How to create a new state of mind after going through a problem (28:02)
  • Practicing to be calm when faced with a problem (36:36)
  • How to learn from every single problem (38:20)
  • You are not always in control (41:10)
  • where your focus goes, your energy flows (45:10)


Happiness comes in waves and tough times do too. Life isn’t supposed to be smooth sailing. The only way for us to grow through life is through the experiences we go through. But the weight you’re attaching to your problems is oftentimes unwarranted. You’re manifesting your problems more and more because of your attitude towards them. When you continually talk about your problems and complain about them, your energy is attracting more negativity into your life. Versus if you were to see the problem for what it is and move on, you’d be able to learn from your problems a lot quicker and grow through them. 


Tune into this week’s episode to hear all about how mindset towards your problems are keeping you from moving forward in life. 

Happy Listening! 

Listener Of The Week

Thank you so much Florence Marie for your amazing review! We’re so glad you found us to help PUSH you through when life gets a little tough. We hope you keep connecting to the episodes we put out and continue to come to us when you need that little “push” to get going! Keep PUSHING through friend! 

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