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Moving, Growth, and Business!

Apr 09, 2024

ICYMI… WE’RE MOVING TO DC in just a few short weeks!

Our house is chaotic, we have NO IDEA where we’re gonna live, and everything is hanging in the balance. Am I freaking out yet? NO…

Here’s why: I’ve gone through so many changes, obstacles, and challenges over my lifetime. Especially during the season of my life when I was knee-deep in my bakery. There were so many seasons of uncertainty, and unwelcome issues that looking back they were shitty in the moment, BUT everything always works out. So, as I pack up 18 years' worth of memories and prepare for this new adventure, I'm reminded of how challenges and uncertainties can actually fuel growth.

Change can be scary, but it's also an opportunity for creativity, adaptation, and pushing boundaries. Just like in business, embracing change and the unknown can lead to unexpected opportunities and success.

Fun Fact, before we did Cupcake Wars, we were approached about 3 times before we actually said YES! It just wasn’t the right time, we had just opened our storefront, and we were trying to figure out how to manage the day-to-day (because TRUST ME, operating a storefront is a completely different game than operating from home)! And I knew that the minute we were on TV, our business was gonna explode and we simply weren’t ready for it.

I say this to say that you may want your business to blow up overnight. You may want that life-changing opportunity BUT sometimes not all opportunities are good ones. It comes down to the timing, the season of life you’re in, your goals, and simply whether you feel good saying yes.

So, where am I getting at with this? Embracing change and new opportunities is GOOD but sometimes new opportunities you were excited about don’t always work out the way you planned. You may be hoping to start a business or you’re in the hustle and grind season and things aren’t working out the way you imagined and that’s OKAY! You have the experience, you live and learn and hope for the best.

Do we know that this move is going to work out… NO? But it feels like the right time for us and our family so, we’re taking a leap of faith.

Instead of waiting for disruption to hit our lives, we’re CAUSING it! And we couldn’t be more excited for this new adventure.

I hope this EMPOWERS you to take on that next level in your life, that exciting opportunity, and share in this journey with me!


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