Instagram vs. Reality- Greece Gone Wrong Part 1 Signup
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Instagram vs. Reality- Greece Gone Wrong Part 1

Aug 17, 2021

Don’t let Instagram fool you friends… 

It is just a highlight reel after all. 

If you’ve kept up with us on social media then you know that we’ve been on a dream vacation the last week celebrating and making memories as a family. 

The truth is, although this vacation honestly was a DREAM, there was also a lot of SHIT that went wrong… and we’re sharing all the tea on this week’s episode! 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed…

  • International travel logistics can be tricky (03:38)
  • You don’t have tickets for your flight (13:25)
  • The city of Athens vibes (23:39)
  • Hiking the Acropolis in 105°F heat (32:16)
  • The quicker you can let go, the better you can adapt (35:12)
  • Greek people take their coffee very seriously (45:12)

Let this episode be a reminder that nothing you see on social media is the full story! There’s always a back story and we hope that by sharing ours with you that you’ll start to consume social media with a grain of salt. 

On my Instagram, I posted TONS of photos of us living our BEST lives in Greece and trust us friends we DID. What you didn’t see were the problems we faced, the challenges we had to overcome, and the countless situations that could have potentially ruined our vacation. 

Even though there were bumps in the roads, we never let it halt us from living in the moment and soaking in everything Greece had to offer. 

Our take-away for you… it’s all in your mindset. You create the life you want to live.  You can either choose to dwell on the problem or you can try to PUSH past it and make the most of the situation you’re dealt. Life is as sweet as you make it friend, so make it worth it! 

Tune into part one of this three part series and laugh with us as we take you through our trip of all  the crazy challenges and obstacles that we had to overcome during our trip of a lifetime.  

Happy Listening! 

Listener Of The Week 

Thank you so much Deb Z. for your amazing review. We’re so happy you found us and we hope you love the episodes we recommended in our 100th. Thank you again for your kind words and we hope you continue to listen and PUSH through life with us! 

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