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If I started a business in 2024...

Feb 01, 2024

What if started a FULL BLOWN, brand new BUSINESS, and took you along every step of the way… Would you take me up on that?

Let me rewind a bit…

In December, my daughter Jordan came home for Christmas after spending her first semester of college in London. Knowing that she’s a college student and doesn’t have a TON of her own money, I decided to gift her a TON of beads (you know… those “Taylor Swift” friendship bracelets) so she could make bracelets for her friends and family as Christmas gifts.

She LOVED the idea and we got BUSY make a sh*t ton of bracelets and keychains for her friends, our family, and I even made some for our neighbors. Everyone we gave them to was so OBSESSED with them so we spent the majority of her Christmas break making bracelets together.

Well, after she went back to London for school, I had TONS of beads just sitting on my kitchen table and I had no idea what I was gonna do with them all UNTIL I had this idea.

I thought to myself, what if I could turn this bracelet thing into a LEGIT BUSINESS? I had the inventory, I enjoyed doing them, there’s a current market for them, and our friends and family loved them! So much so, I posted them on social media and I was getting people asking me to place an order!

Now, after researching it a bit, I learned that it’s not a viable business as of now BUT I thought what if I took you guys along for the journey and showed you STEP-BY-STEP if I started a business in 2024 what I would do and how I would make it successful? SO… consider this blog the FIRST of my new series, “If I started a business in 2024…”

I’m just getting started on this journey BUT I’m going to take you along for the ride. I’m going share with you EVERYTHING: How to trademark, how to get a website domain, how to create a logo, how to SHOP for your inventory, how to PRICE your products, how to market your business, how to PRESENT your business at a market or pop-up… I’m sharing LITERALLY EVERYTHING with you!

So, if you’re down to come along for the journey, make sure to stay up to date on @thecakemamas on Instagram for daily updates but ALSO make sure to follow my new business page here!

And as a gift to you for following along with me, I want to give you access to my “Business Basics Bundle” so whenever you’re thinking about turning your hobby into a business, or don’t know if you missed a step when getting started, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge you need to hit the ground running.

Stay tuned friend!

Xo, Janelle


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