3 tips to make MORE MONEY in your baking business this holiday season Signup
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3 tips to make MORE MONEY in your baking business this holiday season

Nov 03, 2022

Oh the HOLIDAYS! I feel like people are either full on Mariah Carey during the holidays or they're total scrooges.

Personally, I’m a HUGE fan of the holiday season. I love celebrating with my friends and family, participating in all the holiday activities, making memories, and just spending time together.

But, the holidays as a bakery owner is TOTALLY different story!

You're either busy as hell, drowning in orders, or you’re making NO MONEY and struggling.

During the holidays it was typically a really slow season in my bakery, The Cake Mamas. When you think about it, the holidays is the one time a year, EVERYONE is baking- even if they’re terrible at it. Yeah, we would have custom orders to get us through, but really where we made the MOST money during the holiday season was with corporate parties and events.

Now, you may be reading this as a home baker, or you’re renting a commercial kitchen, or you simply don’t have the capacity to fulfill large corporate orders; so you’re left wondering: “What the hell am I supposed to do to make more money?” “How can I bring in more orders?”

Well, these three tips I’m gonna share with you apply to ANY STAGE of business you’re in and I guarantee will help you get make MORE MONEY during the holiday season.


I know that starting a business from home, doing everything on your own, and being the soloprenuer, it’s really difficult to stay on top of alllllll the things but by planning ahead, you’re gonna set yourself up for success. When I worked from home, I would sit down on the first of every month and plan for the following month. This is exactly how I would plan out my content, figure out what promotional items I’m gonna offer, when I needed to start promoting those items, so when the time came I wouldn’t be overwhelmed, running with my head cut-off, tired and frustrated because I waited til the last minute. During that meeting, I would pull every holiday, ever wacky “national” day you could think of celebrating, and figured out ways to create hype and excitement around my brand and my business. Fun Fact: this “calendar” worked so well for me and my business over 12+ years that I now sell it to my students and clients. It’s called, The Social Celebrator and if you wanna cut out a ton of the research and busy work around planning your content, I suggest you check that out. It’s a game changer!


Now you’re probably wondering, “what the hell does that mean?” Well, lemme tell you, meeting customers where they’re at means you need to meet people (aka your ideal client) when it comes to celebrating a holiday and create products that will HELP THEM celebrate that holiday.

So, how do you do that?

You’re gonna ask yourself these three questions:

”How do people normally celebrate that holiday?”

”Who do they normally celebrate with?”

”What is a customary budget that is NORMALLY acceptable for them to spend?”

When you ask yourself these three questions, you’re able to create products that your customers need and want, what your price point should be, and how you could BEST SERVE your customers at any given point (holiday season or not)!

I dive a little deeper on these questions inside my Youtube Video, which you can watch HERE!


The number one mistake I see most business owners in the baking industry make is they think they're talking about their products all the damn time. They’re blowing up their stories. They’re posting consistently. They’re doing lives on their products. But when I go to their profile, I see maybe one or two posts talking about their holiday offers and it’s a week or two BEFORE the actual holiday. And sis, that’s not gonna work.

You need to talk about your promotional items EARLY and OFTEN. Ideally, you want a marketing runaway of about 4-6 weeks. This gives you the time to create hype and excitement, share some behind the scenes footage, talk about how these products came to life, and THEN ask your clients to purchase.

This is why planning ahead (aka, tip number one) is so important! When it’s on the schedule you know that you have to take photos, you have to create sample products, during that month prior so you aren’t overwhelmed, falling behind, and scrambling at the last minute. If you don’t do those things then you’re not gonna see the sales coming in, because you’re not following a proper runway.

So, talk about it EARLY, and talk about it OFTEN. You only have about 2 seconds to capture the attention of your audience. And we wanna create some anticipation. Not to mention, not EVERYONE is going to see every single post. Don’t be afraid that you're gonna come off as sales-y or spam-y. I promise people aren't paying that much attention to you 24/7. 

Stop dragging your feet, and take action!

The holiday season is a great time to be in the baking business, but you’ve got to hold yourself accountable, start planning ahead, and create a schedule for yourself so you have the time to think stuff through and you aren’t scrambling til the last minute. You don’t wanna miss out on the opportunity to market and promote your products which is ultimately the reason you’re gonna make more money.

I hope these tips helped you, and if you’re reading this and saying to yourself, “this sounds like wayyy too much work,” or “Janelle, I just need your help,” then friend I have the answer for you.

I have a two-hour training, called “How to DOUBLE your holiday sales,” that goes in depth on all these tips plus, I'm handing you over my entire sales strategy that has helped me make $17,000 in less than 2 hours on Mother’s Day!

Friend, this training will help you win EVERY SINGLE HOLIDAY and will give you a format to follow every time you launch or create a new product.

But these are three quick tips that if you just spent some time tweaking and implementing you could have a ton of success this holiday season. 


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