How To Lose 10 pounds in 30 DAYS! Signup
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ON THE REAL: I need to lose 20 pounds. | Janelle Copeland

Mar 29, 2022

Let’s be honest… Weight is a big deal for most women. But we really don't talk about it OPENLY much, do we? Well, I wanna share a few things I’ll be focusing on over the next month or so because I think it might inspire YOU to also take action! 

Eddie and I used to be BODYBUILDERS! We won 1st place in 2 competitions, and then decided we were done with it. 

One because we went an ENTIRE YEAR with NO SUGAR! And truthfully, we fell out of love with that way-too-over-the-top “HEALTHY” lifestyle. Yet 7 years later, we’re jumping back in! *Not into bodybuilding, but we both really wanna dedicate some time to get into better shape. 

So, here’s our commitment: During the month of April, Eddie and I are committing to lose 10 lbs. Now I know it’s waaay easier for men, so LORD PRAY FOR ME! But I thought I’d invite you to come along with us!

If you’ve been putting your health off, and you wanna join me, join The Pusher Society today! It’s only $24 a month for guidance, strategy and ACCOUNTABILITY! 

Maybe it’s not weight loss for you.. Maybe you need a structure for how to establish better goals and STICK TO THEM. If this is you, then get in here! Over the next few months we’ll be committing to some BIG GOALS, for 30 days at a time. Here’s what it will look like for us:

February - Was Relationship Building 

March - Was Emotional Intelligence - Managing your emotions, overreacting, etc. (Kinda like Will Smith! Too soon???)

April - Is Prioritization/Focus (Eddie & I are losing 10 lbs.)

May - Is Money Mastery - We’ll be creating a monthly budget for our household and our business

June - Is Adult Learning - Eddie and I will spend the month learning ITALIAN in order to prepare for our trip to Italy this summer! What things would you like to LEARN as an adult???

If these topics sound good to you, then you can JOIN US IN THE PUSER SOCIETY HERE!

New York, New York! 

Guys, my youngest daughter is almost COLLEGE BOUND! She’ll be a senior next year, and then off to college she goes! WHERE she’ll go to college is the question right now, so, later this week we’ll be headed to NEW YORK to tour colleges! Which means, next fall, I’ll be paying for THREE kids to be in college! 

One of the perks of being a business owner is having the ability to EARN as much as you want. Conversely, one of the biggest struggles for business owners is not being really PURPOSEFUL with their finances, or setting up budgets, or properly pricing their products/services for PROFIT. *If financial planning is something you’d like to learn more about as a business owner, leave a comment and let me know! 

Also, if you're interested in topics on MONEY, here a few episodes of the PUSH Podcast where we share some tips: 

ALL THINGS MONEY: Debt, Saving, Budgeting, and Earning in 2022



Anyway, although we’ll be in New York touring colleges, ya girl’s gotta EAT!…  Which means, I need your suggestions on all the NY hotspots!  I’m open to all suggestions, so please, LET ME KNOW! (Especially because as soon as I get back on April 3rd, I’m CLEANING UP MY DIET! No excuses!)

Lastly, this week’s Push Podcast is about How To DO ANYTHING In 30 Days! Which again, will be our focus for all of April in the PUSHER’S SOCIETY! 

You can listen to it here!

If you’re a business owner, we’re 3 weeks away from EASTER! If you’re interested in learning exactly how I made $36,000 for Mother’s Day in 2020, then get into this HOLIDAY WORKSHOP now! We taught it live on Monday 3/28, but considering it SOLD OUT in less than 4 days, we’re getting lots of requests to open it back up again, so… BOOM! Here you go! 

You can gain access to the replay for only $29 here! 

You’ll learn: 

  • How to PLAN for ANY holiday
  • Learn what a “RUNWAY” is and how it’s essential to marketing
  • Brainstorm ideas for products & packaging
  • Decide on PRICING & finalize offers
  • Determine EXACTLY how much MONEY you want to make and establish a GOAL
  • PLAN out your schedule for the next 2-4 weeks (minimum)
  • Avoid feeling OVERWHELMED
  • Eliminate the GUESSWORK of what to make/offer (and how much product to make)
  • & Get CLARITY on how to prepare for ANY HOLIDAY or month for the rest of the year!

All for only $29!

That’s about all the life / business updates I’ve got for you today! I’m really looking forward to your comments / responses, so please me sure to chime in below! 

Have a great week everyone!




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Sign up now to learn more and get on the PASSION TO PROFIT WAITLIST here!