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Are the PRESSURES of life getting to you?

Jun 01, 2021

Have you heard the saying, “when it rains, it pours?” Well, the saying works for both blessings and for problems! 

You may be going through a tough season of life right now where shit just doesn’t feel good. You may be feeling like you’re being tested with obstacle after obstacle, and you just can’t catch a break and that the universe is testing you. You may feel like you’re treading water and just hoping for someone to throw you a life jacket. 

If this sounds familiar then this episode is for you.  

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • What in the world (05:49)
  • Pressure bursts pipes (13:17)
  • How different people handle pressure (16:19)
  • Why high achievers use pressure to narrow their focus (19:49)
  • Are you embracing challenges, or are you avoiding them (34:33)
  • What happened, and what are you making it mean? (39:04)
  • Your perception creates your reality (40:13)
  • What's yours why? Find your motivator (43:00)
  • How to choose the language that serves you (44:38)]
  • Why you need to discard your to-do list (46:00)
  • Choose gratitude and joy (51:00)

Everyone is working through problems in their life. But have you ever wondered why some people outlast those problems while other people crumble? 

It comes down to how you perceive the challenges that life throws at you. How you handle, react, and move through life when you have problems determines your reality.  If you view your problems as challenges to be solved versus looking at them as obstacles, the way you manage pressure is going to be different than those who are “living” in their problems. 

In this episode, Eddie and I are breaking down how people handle pressure into four categories. Listen in to hear tips that will help you identify which category you are in right now and how to thrive in it or move to a different one.

Happy Listening! 


BTW… The official countdown to 100 episodes is now on… We’re so excited about this upcoming milestone, and to celebrate, we are giving away 30 great prizes. Tune in for details on how to enter and win! 

Listener Of The Week



Thank you so much to Ilene Orozco for this review and shoutout! We’re so glad you’re loving the podcast and we hope you continue to PUSH through life’s challenges and obstacles with us! We hope you enjoy this week’s episode! Happy Listening! 

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