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When Business Knocks The SH*T Out Of You!

May 25, 2021

This is a PSA to tell you to SLOW the F*ck DOWN! 

Whether that’s in life or in your business, you have to slow down in order to progress. 

Let me explain… 

People always want things to come instantly! Instant things such as, weight loss, a healthy body, finances, relationships, marriage, more sales in our business, more customers, to be an industry leader overnight; whatever that “thing” is that you desire, it’s NOT going to magically happen for you overnight. It’s just not. 


When you’re in constant “hustle & grind” mode, you’re not working yourself to the PEAK of success; in turn you’re actually working your body and mind into overwhelm, overwork, comparison and resentment. 


That’s why in this week’s PUSH we’re sharing HOW to move past the difficult seasons in your life and in your business. 


Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • What in the world is wrong with you(01:34)
  • Are you going too damn fast (16:15)
  • Work-life balance for business owners (18:17)
  • You're overconsuming and not implementing enough (20:50)
  • The four stages of entrepreneurship (24:46)
  • How to monitor and track your growth (28:14)
  • Obstacles are all over; you got to be a survivor (30:55
  • There is no badge of honor for going it alone (35:14)
  • If you are not growing you are dying, you have to evolve (39:16)

In business and in life, at some point you’re going to get the shitty end of the stick. Not everything is going to go to plan and not everything is going to magically work out the way that you hope. 

You’re going to stumble across obstacles, challenges, and endure seasons that are not so great. It’s when you’re in those seasons that you really learn WHO you are and gain the experience/ lessons necessary in order for you to grow. 

When this happens, you have to learn how to pause and reflect. By taking time to really figure out WHY these roadblocks are piling up, you’ll find the common denominator amongst all the challenges you’re having to deal with. And friend… that problem maybe YOU. 

We hope you love this week’s episode! Listen in to learn how to navigate the challenges and obstacles and identify how you can GROW your business and life to the next level. 


Listener Of The Week


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