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It Probably Won’t Work… But You Should DO IT ANYWAY!

May 18, 2021

What if… 

What if it doesn’t work? What if I fail? What if I lose everything? What if I’m not good enough? 

The one thing all these questions have in common is they aren’t REALITY. When we make decisions in our life with the idea of the “what if” in the back of our minds; the decision you’re questioning isn’t going to end well. 

When we approach life with the concept of “what if” we’re already creating self-doubt; whether that be in the actual decision or self-doubt in yourself. 

This week on the PUSH Podcast we’re sharing HOW to overcome limiting beliefs and self-doubt so you can pursue your dreams and goals in confidence. 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • The Clubhouse story and how the founders had failed with other ideas (10:00)
  • Why having iterations that don't work lead you to a working
  • How ideas evolve through trials and eventually work (16:44)
  • Developing resilience through failure (19:09)
  • When do you turn back from your idea? (24:19)
  • Why you need to keep things easy, simple, and fun (30:30)
  • The No 1 thing you need as an entrepreneur (31:18)
  • How to gamify your business and make it fun to remain creative (43:32)

That decision that you’re questioning today, ask yourself WHY you’re scared to move forward. What’s holding you back from taking action? Is the idea too wild to be true? Is the decision risky? 

These “scary” questions are things we should EMBRACE. When we take risks and approach life in a way that is less serious; we’re able to push aside the “what if” scenarios and just act with intention and purpose. 

By approaching life this way, we gain a sense of freedom and confidence that instills in us the feeling that we can do ANYTHING we want in life. Moving forward, we know that even if it doesn’t work out, we have the FAITH and CONFIDENCE in ourselves that we will be able to fall back on something; and that something is experience. 

The only way we gain this “experience” is by taking risks and doing things despite the fear of the unknown. 

So, I encourage you today, to take that risk, believe in your abilities, and PUSH yourself beyond the boundary of what you believe you can do. 

We hope you enjoy this week’s episode! Happy Listening friend!


Listener Of The Week

Thank you so much Nancy for taking the time to write this review! We’re so glad you’ve stuck with us ever since the beginning and that you’re experiencing GROWTH in all levels of your life. Keep putting in the work and we know that you’ll see results in every season. We hope you continue to PUSH through life with us! Thanks for listening! 

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