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Fully Exposed!

Oct 28, 2020

Okay, I know what you’re thinking… 

WHAT THE HELL is this episode about?

I know it sounds sexual but trust me it’s 100% NOT! 

If you’ve been following me and social media then you know that we recently started doing MAJOR  renovations on our house that we’ve saved and prayed for 15 years! What a blessing right!

You can read more about my post HERE!

Through this home renovation, I was inspired for the title of this week’s episode and it made me realize that sometimes in order to grow you have to strip down everything you know to the foundation and be FULLY EXPOSED. 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed…

  • Stay in faith and stay in action even when you feel discouraged and helpless (08:01)
  • Are you triggered when you see other people winning (09:50)
  • How being fully exposed can lead to tremendous growth (11:15)
  • You have to be completely vulnerable to grow (18:24)
  • Comfort kills you (22:13)
  • Successful people are scarce with their time, health, and money (23:02)
  • Breaking down your wall of shame by facing your struggles (28:19)
  • Taking responsibility for things that are not favorable in your life (29:49)

This home renovation has really turned into a metaphor for our lives right now. This home represents stripping down everything we know and establishing a new foundation. 

Like in coaching, and consulting; you have to be vulnerable in order to experience growth. You have to be willing to experience challenging things that may not turn out good. You have to show up differently. 

If you’re serious about changing your habits, your routines, and seeing success in areas you’re failing or lacking in then you have to be proactive about making different choices. 

My hope for you after listening to this week’s episode is that you’ll feel inspired to finally take on that one thing you’ve been putting on the back burner for way too long and allow yourself to experience new and exciting things that can open new opportunities and doors for you in the future. 

Happy Listening Friend! 

Listener Of The Week

Thanks so much for taking the time to write such an awesome review! We always try and keep it as real as possible on the podcast and we’re so glad you’re able to relate! It really proves that we’re all in this together! We hope you continue to keep pushing towards your goals and keep moving forward! 

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