DISCIPLINE and WILLPOWER- Why You Might Suck At Both! Signup
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DISCIPLINE and WILLPOWER- Why You Might Suck At Both!

Aug 18, 2020

When was the last time you broke a commitment? 

I’ll tell you, mine was a few days ago. 


If you follow me on social media then you know that at the beginning of this month I started a 30-day Yoga challenge. Not because I wanted to lose weight or become healthier (although those are HUGE pluses). I did it because I wanted to show up for myself and prove that I could stay committed to something not because I had to but because I was determined to show myself some self-love and build confidence. 


I wasn’t angry with myself that I broke that commitment. I wasn’t disappointed either. Instead, I was more eager to get back on track and finish out the challenge. 


As humans, specifically women, we get so down on ourselves whenever we “break” a commitment. It cruses our self-esteem and we immediately beat ourselves up to the point where we’re practicing negative self-talk. 


I’m here to tell you it’s OKAY to break a commitment, but when you do it continuously that’s when you may have to look into your discipline and willpower. 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed on this week's PUSH… 

  • As a business owner or salesperson, you should articulate why a person should consider you (04:51)
  • My commitment to 30 days of Yoga (15:20)
  • Are you doing things that are good for you versus feeling good to you (17:43)
  • Most things that are good for you don’t feel good in the process of doing them (23:10)
  • Committing to something hard to work on your discipline (24:37)
  • Self-esteem is built on the fact that you can live up to your commitment (25:35)
  • Committing to exercise will power and discipline to something good for you (26:48)
  • The three types of discipline and how to apply them to our commitments (30:36)
  • What indicators is life giving you that something in your life is not going in the right direction?(36:25)


When we remain committed to our goals we build our self-esteem and confidence. It makes us feel powerful. Knowing that we can stay committed and live up to the standards we set for ourselves is a feeling that so many of us thrive on. And when you’re riding that high of self-worth and positivity you feel as if you can take on the world. You’re prepared to face any challenge, mental or physical, that may be out of your comfort zone because you’ve practiced discipline and willpower. 


You’ve built up the determination to stay true and show up for yourself even when the odds are against you; and that’s one of the hardest things to do especially when facing life’s challenges. 


I hope you enjoy this week’s episode and I challenge you to make a commitment to yourself today that you will STAY TRUE too in order to build your confidence and self-esteem. 


Happy Listening! 


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