20 Things To Do When You Feel Hopeless Signup
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20 Things To Do When You Feel Hopeless

Aug 11, 2020

Hopelessness is a theme that keeps recurring especially during this time of uncertainty. But what do you do when you fall into hopelessness? 


There’s so many self-help tips and tricks out there but everyone is different. Which begs the questions, what tip and trick is right for you? 


In this episode, we’re giving you our top 20 ways to help you regain hope. 


Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • Reach out, do not suffer in silence (11:34)
  • Take inventory of your habits, thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives (13:00)
  • Where attention goes, energy flows. Do not focus on the problem (14:30)
  • Exercise and sleep will make you feel better (16:53)
  • Be of service to others (18:32)
  • Activate your faith and also have a conversation with your creator (21:10)
  • Journaling is really helpful. Express those feelings on paper (22:16)
  • Acknowledge your feelings which leads to radical acceptance (23:50)
  • Quiet your mind through meditation (27:43)
  • Disassociate yourself from the problem (30:24)
  • Practice gratitude by taking inventory of your blessings (35:28)

Given our current environment we’re all facing it’s so easy to fall into hopelessness. It could be your finances, your health, your weight, career, business, or even a relationship. We invest so much time and energy into all of the aspects of our life and when they don’t go as planned or as imagined it’s easy to fall into a dark hole. So friends know that it’s normal to feel defeated and deflated when faced with the things you’re facing. But don’t let that be an excuse for WHY you haven’t made an effort to move on with hope. 


Whatever you’re going through we hope this list brings you light and hope. Given that the first tips on our list is to reach out, we encourage you to reach out to someone and share what you’re going through and allow yourself to feel vulnerable. 


Who knows, the person you reach out to may be going through the same thing. 


We’re encouraging you to listen, lean in, and hear as we go through the list of 20 things you can do when you’re feeling a sense of hopelessness. 



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