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Cut Your Losses

Aug 04, 2020

Have you ever just held onto something for so long that you don’t see anyway you can get rid of it now because you’ve had it for so long? 


Well that was Eddie and I over this past weekend and we did it...

We FINALLY decided to cut our losses and get rid of our “must haves” that we haven’t touched in YEARS! 


For Eddie that would be his DVD/BluRay collection and for me, it’s my HUNDREDS of CD’s. 

Although Eddie had more trouble letting go than I did, it’s hard to let go of something that had so much VALUE to you in another season of your life. 


Those valuables become almost a part of you and when you let them go, you’re releasing that part of who you used to be. For many of us, it’s difficult to let go and release that part of ourselves. 


Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • Selling items from our storage unit in a garage sale (03:59)
  • How getting rid of clutter and baggage makes you feel liberated (11:53)
  • Overcoming the scarcity mindset that drives us to hold on to stuff (12:24)
  • Continuing to hold on to something by investing time, energy and space costs you more than the initial investment (16:36)
  • How clearing stuff creates an abundant mindset by thinking about the future  (17:07)
  • Don’t hold on to stuff that is just an old version of yourself (22:17)
  • Cutting your losses from a social level to experience new amazing things (26:56)
  • Creating a physical inventory of things that you need to purge from your life (32:34)

When we finally decided to LET GO,  the sense of freedom and liberation was something we both realized we needed. When we finally let go it was as if we made peace with who we are now and opened up a new world of opportunity and vision for our lives that we never had before. 

We didn’t realize that holding onto those items was almost like holding onto baggage from our past and it was preventing us from moving forward in new ways.

Although we’re talking about physical items, the baggage you carry doesn’t necessarily have to be something physical. It can be relationships, social circles, habits, friendships that are no longer serving you and who you want to be. 

I encourage you after listening to this episode to take some inventory; physical and mental, and see what could be holding you back in this season and what you should let go and cut your losses. 


Happy Listening Friends! 

Listener Of The Week


Thank you so much Cherie for your amazing review! The point behind this podcast was to share personal and vulnerable stories as if we were at a BBQ with friends and family so we have no choice but to be 100% real with you all. Thank you so much for following on and continuing to PUSH through life with us. 


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