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Stuck? Move Your Ass!

May 19, 2020

Do you feel STUCK more than ever? You may be asking yourself, “How do I get through this?” 


Well friend, you may not like my answer but you’ve got to LET GO! Just let it go! The weight you’re carrying. The worry you feel on a daily basis. The anxiety of what the day holds; you’ve got to let that shit go! 


In this episode, I’m sharing my secrets to HOW I’ve pushed forward during this time of uncertainty. I’m choosing to let go of the frustration. To let go of the worry. To let go of needing control. 


Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed…

  • Figuring out how to meet your customers where they are at and fulfill a need (06:57)
  • Throwing ideas and having zero attachment whether they fail or succeed (09:07)
  • Letting go to create space for new ideas and new life (11:49)
  • Using the situation you are in to learn new things about your business (17:55)
  • Moving aside your fears and implementing the ideas you have (24:41)
  • Paying little attention to your failures and setbacks and moving on quickly (30:42)
  • Giving no meaning to your setback and failures (37:51)
  • Focusing on the big wins and ignoring the small losses (38:42)
  • Understanding the struggles that small businesses are going through right now and being considerate about your requests (41:48)


I know how difficult it is to just throw your hands up and let go. You feel helpless, a lack of control, and you’re uneasy about what the future holds. But friends I’m here to tell you that you’re limiting your freedom by holding onto control. Once you let go of needing control, the opportunities will attract towards you. Just keep pushing forward friends. 


Happy Listening! 

Listener Spotlight Of The Week


Thank you so much for your review Shanai! We’re so glad you’re finding value in every episode you tune into. During such an uncertain time it’s more important than ever to focus on your own personal growth and we can’t wait to hear all about your journey! We will get through this together! Keep on Pushing sis! 


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