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From Problem To Progress

Apr 14, 2020

How do you handle your problems? 

Do you immediately begin to problem solve or do you find yourself sulking in the doom and gloom of your current circumstance? 


With the current pandemic unfolding around us, Eddie & I have heard multiple perspectives from friends and family members on how this is impacting their lives. Our follow-up to each one of the experiences shared with us is, “what are you doing to turn your problem into progress?” 


If you’ve followed us for a while now then you know that back in 2008 Eddie & I both lost our corporate jobs and we were faced with so much uncertainty. We didn’t know how we were going to be able to pay our mortgage, we didn’t know how we were going to pay our bills, we didn’t know if we should file for bankruptcy; the list goes on and on. The one thing we didn’t do was sit and wait around for the universe to solve our problems. 


Instead, we embraced transparency with our children and family members. We leaned into acceptance and knew that we could only control our actions and responses to our current circumstances. Although dealing with the uncertainty and all the other emotions that come with instability is difficult we managed to be resourceful and create our business! 


To give you a better idea here’s a breakdown of what Eddie & I discussed… 

  • Having a sense of empathy to understand the hardships others might be going through (02:22)
  • Putting in the deeds and finding ways to be resourceful (04:08)
  • The great challenges a lot of people are having with the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic (09:50)
  • Being innovative and looking at the silver lining (12:06)
  • Becoming a magician candle maker and transforming the toilet (15:43)
  • The ten questions you must ask yourself to shift your perception (18:50)
  • Playing your part through acceptance and overcoming the future problems the Coronavirus might cause in advance (27:08)
  • Your most undervalued resource is your network (32:43)
  • Figuring out the one step you could take to begin to move forward (37:38)
  • Making the best out of the difficult situation we are in (39:19)


To help you become proactive we’re giving you 10 questions to ask yourself during this season of your life to help you gain perspective on your current situation. Is your current circumstance as bad as you’re making it seem? Have you taken into account the blessings that you do have? We hope you use this time to reflect, lean into acceptance of your situation, and have faith that everything will work out in the end. 


Happy Listening friends! 


Listener Spotlight Of The Week


Another relationship tips & tricks episode? Why Not! Thank you so much Jadey for your review! We’re so glad you’re loving the episodes so far and finding ways to relate to every episode we’ve put out. We’d love to do another relationship episode, especially during this time we’re in right now with the majority of couples being stuck at home. Stay tuned for what we have coming! Until then, keep on pushing! Happy Listening! 


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