Coronavirus: WTH Is Happening! Signup
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Coronavirus: WTH Is Happening!

Mar 26, 2020

You guys, this is some serious sh*t! 

On this special BONUS episode of the PUSH Podcast we’re talking to you all about the Coronavirus and WHAT we can do to better support one another, how we can come together as a community, and HOW we can come out of this BETTER, STRONGER and ON TOP!


Trust us, we’re in it just like you…

  • Our daughter’s prom was cancelled…
  • We moved our oldest out of her college dorm last week and she couldn’t finish her freshman year away at college.
  • My brother and soon to be sister in law had to CANCEL their May 9th wedding
  • We had to cancel 12 events we had scheduled throughout the country this year, (which means we have over $12,000 tied up with venues that we CAN NOT get back!)
  • And, I had  to postpone the SALE of my bakery… (And honestly, who knows what will even happen with business from here…)


With all that, WE STILL WANTED TO REMIND YOU THAT THERE ARE BEAUTIFUL BLESSINGS right in front of our eyes right now! 


Although we are not medical professionals, we recorded this episode to weigh in on the situation, and share our perspective. We’re urging you to do your part in contributing to help fight this global pandemic. 


To give you some background, we’re based in California, so we’re about a week into a statewide lockdown. Businesses are shut down, schools are closed (probably for the remainder of the year), grocery stores are (*slowly) restocking their shelves, and we’ve been ordered to stay home, with the exception of “ESSENTIAL” activities like work, medical and  grocery runs. 


While we manage to SHARE (and fight) for the bandwidth on the internet, we’re all trying to adjust to EVERYONE working from home. In spite of diminished internet speed, we are blessed and celebrating our  HEALTH! And counting the blessing of food, warmth and shelter. 


I could sit here and complain about everything sh*tty that has happened to me and my family (because let’s be real: THIS IS A HUGE INCONVENIENCE and DISAPPOINTMENT for all the missed milestones). BUT, that’s not going to solve anything for us. And it won’t for you either.


Instead, we’re urging you to focus on the blessings that you do have. 

We’re blessed to be healthy, we’re blessed to have food to nourish our bodies, we’re blessed to have shelter, and we’re blessed to be together. 


Friends, getting through this is all going to start with YOU and your MINDSET. We need to switch our perspectives from all the fear-based thinking and the “what if’s” to “I’m blessed because...” or “I’m grateful for...” “This is good because…”


No one has control over how or when this situation is going to end. The only thing we DO have control over is our mindset, and  what we can do as community members to help stop the spread.


And here’s our question to you:

What would happen if over the next few weeks/months you spent all of your time focusing on POSSIBILITIES and PREPARING for NEW OPPORTUNITIES???


What if you had a TRAINER, a GUIDE, a COACH to take you by the hand, and help you create and implement a strategy that could position you for and  EXPLOSIVE COMEBACK in business and in life??? 


What if you used this time to sharpen your skills, focus on your health, improve your time management, set some goals? 


What if you did all the stuff you had no time for last week!?  Like work on your website, test/develop new products, develop a strategy for social media, focus on your  health, organization, your taxes???


And what if you had COACHES to guide you for 30 days with equal parts SUPPORT and ACCOUNTABILITY? What if you were in a COMMUNITY with people just like YOU, who were down to MAKE THE MOST of this time and use it to GROW!?


I  think you’d be FOOTBALL FIELDS ahead of your competitions when this whole thing blows over!… Stronger, more focussed, and more MOTIVATED than ever!



We start on April 1st! 


Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie & I discussed in this episode… 

  • How things began to escalate starting with the grocery stores (3:50) 
  • How business are shutting down including my own (9:09)
  • How will you make adjustments (15:34)
  • How will you respond when faced with adversity (23:20)
  • Virtual connection is necessary (24:57)
  • Invite you to join our 30-day Mind, Body, Business challenge (29:36) 
  • Things you can do in your downtime (49:02)

We also created a list of 131 CREATIVE THINGS TO FOCUS ON (during the quarantine)

>>>Get your FREE copy HERE! <<<


We hope you’ll join us for this challenge, and we hope this episode served you! 

If it did, please take a few mins to rate and  review our podcast! 


We’ll be sending out PUSHER shirts to a few of our biggest supporters!

Stay safe, and DO YOUR PART in finding the blessings! 

Janelle & Eddie


Listener Spotlight Of The Week:


 Thank you so much Layla for taking the time to write such an amazing review. We’re so happy that you were able to resonate with the episodes you’ve listened to so far and we hope you continue to PUSH through all of them! And like we said in the podcast, “It all starts with your mindset!” We hope you keep listening and share with anyone else who may need a PUSH through life right now. Thanks for listening! 


Subscribe & Review in Itunes: 

Are you subscribed to The Push Podcast? If you aren’t, please subscribe today! We’d love to have you! Plus, we don’t want you missing any more episodes! We all NEED that push every now and then right? Click here to subscribe on iTunes.

Are you feeling extra loving today? Then we would love it if you could take the time to show us some love by writing a review! They help us help others by finding our episodes! Plus, they make us laugh, smile, and PUSH us even when we need some extra motivating! Plus, it’s an awesome way to tell us what you wanna hear next! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let us know what you wanna hear next or what your favorite part of the podcast was! Thank you for showing us all your love!

Other ways to connect with us: 


You can join our 30-Day Mind, Body, Business Challenge here:


Text us! Text “GROWTH” to (844) 712-4584


You can follow Janelle at:


You can follow Eddie at:


You can follow The Push Podcast at:


80% Complete

You will definitely be the first to know when enrollment for our 10-week masterclass is open. 

Sign up now to learn more and get on the PASSION TO PROFIT WAITLIST here!