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How To Push Past Overwhelm With Ari Meisel

Mar 17, 2020

Imagine waking up one day thinking you have a common cold but then the illness never goes away.  You become frustrated, irritated, miserable, and maybe even you start losing hope of ever getting better.  Or even worse, what if you were told you could die? 


Now think about the things that you would do instead because of the amount of time you have left. 


That scenario is exactly what happened to our guest this week, Ari Meisel, after he was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. He decided he needed to make changes in order to survive. He realized with the time his body would physically allow him to work, he needed to find ways to optimize his time. In short, his disease inspired him to do less. He began optimizing, automating, and outsourcing all of his daily tasks in his business and life to be able to accomplish the things that mattered most to him at the time of his diagnosis; allowing him to limit the stresses of everyday life. 


Here’s an idea of what Eddie, Arie & I discussed… 

  • The widespread overwhelm that people are experiencing with juggling their personal and professional lives (03:38)
  • Tips and frameworks for how to deal with overwhelm (05:01)
  • How extreme restriction helps people get their shit together (08:19)
  • How trying to get people to see what the future looks like with the way that they're doing things now works (11:00)
  • Focusing on the things that really matter by applying business efficiency techniques into our day to day personal lives (12:51)
  • Growing by offloading 70% of what you do today (17:01)
  • The majority of the things that you do can be done by other people or other things, as well or better, and probably faster (17:57)
  • The crazy household things that Ari and his wife decided to outsource or automate (20:56)
  • Becoming more plan-oriented than reactive, and saving time to do less (26:53)
  • Progress is about the ability to abandon things that used to work for you (31:21)


As an entrepreneur, author, CEO, TED speaker, real estate developer, green building consultant, and productivity expert, Ari is passionate about teaching people, specifically entrepreneurs, on how to master the art of doing less, while getting more done. Listen in to hear  his own personal experience on doing less so we can all learn how to optimize our lives to PUSH past overwhelm and have the freedom we've always wanted. 


Happy Listening Friends! 


Listener Spotlight Of The Week


Thank you so much Grace for your amazing review! We always try to keep it real and PUSH you towards the next level within your goals and in life. We hope you continue to listen and allow us to PUSH you to reach new heights and go after new opportunities. Thank you for listening and keep on pushing! 

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