Why Age Really Does Matter: Understanding The Living 5 Generations Signup
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Why Age Really Does Matter: Understanding The Living 5 Generations

Jan 28, 2020


We all have one relative that we think just doesn’t understand us! Or maybe it’s really us who doesn’t understand them? 


OR maybe it’s your own child you don’t understand. 


Have you ever thought that maybe this lack of understanding is because of the generation you were born in? 


This week we’re discussing understanding the 5 living generations: The Silents, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millineials, and Gen Z. 


And surprisingly, when coming up with what to discuss during this episode, we learned a lot of people actually don’t know what generation they fall into. Not to mention, each generation has completely different priorities of what aspects in life should be prioritized. That being said, of course, you’re not going to understand some of the decisions that other generations make. 


But, we have the tools to be able to understand each generation and utilize this information in order to learn and grow from them. 


During this episode, we hope you take note of each generation to help you gain a better understanding of why each generation is the way that they are; and hopefully you’ll gain some tools to help you connect with members of your family that are from different generations. 


To give you an idea, here's a breakdown of what Eddie & I discussed…

  • Why understanding all the different generations matter right now (01:07)
  • The inconvenience with the gentleman at the tire place (06:58)
  • Breaking down the ages and characteristics in every generation (10:58)
  • Breaking down the Silent Generation (13:27)
  • Breaking down Baby Boomers (16:16)
  • Breaking down Generation X (20:21)
  • Breaking down Millennials (26:59)
  • Breaking down Gen-Z generation (34:05)
  • The biggest lessons to learn from every generation (38:20)
  • How can we inspire and encourage the next generation (44:53)


Remember to be kind to others no matter how hard it can be to relate. We hope you love this week’s episode! Happy Listening!


Listener Spotlight Of The Week:

Thank you so much Monika for taking the time out of your day to write such a thoughtful review. We’re so excited that this episode served you in a way that you took to heart. Remember to take it one day at a time and keep on pushing! We hope you continue to love the podcast and keep on listening! 


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