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Not my circus, not my monkeys

Mar 22, 2022

To say things have been chaotic in the Copeland household is an understatement. 

We could easily complain, break down, seek out empathy from others, and play the victim card but we just aren’t those people. 

Instead, we’ve held it together (for the most part), have come together as a family, and are pushing through one day at a time. 

We’ll dive into all the details in this week’s PUSH podcast episode (you won’t wanna miss this)! 

Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed… 

  • Intentionality is parenting (07:42)
  • Enthusiasm is key to success (15:54)
  • Sh*t everywhere (18:16)
  • Chaos all over (24:49)
  • Hella efficiency (25:12)
  • Not my circus, not my monkeys (32:20)
  • Life lesson from Jordan Copeland (34:30)

The one thing that comes to mind as we deal with all this craziness is intention. 

We’ve realized after 40 years that when you show up in life with intention and purpose, things just have a way of working itself out for you. 

The truth is, there’s no medal for the BIGGEST WORRIER.  No one has the answer to everything and sometimes life is going to test you with challenges, obstacles, and inconveniences that you just have to show up for. 

Someone, somewhere in this world is dealing with SO MUCH MORE than we could ever imagine and the hope with this episode is to show the listeners and those people that SH*T GOES WRONG, there are inconveniences, and they’re NOT ALONE. 

We’re sending love, light, strength, and patience, to help you FOCUS solely on the things you can CONTROL right now. 

We hope you love this week’s episode friend! PUSH through! 

 Listener Of The Week 

Thank you so much to PUSHER, Reesa1980 for your awesome review. We’re so glad you loved our episode with Julia Kristina! She’s such an amazing counselor and therapist and offers a great perspective on viewing life when it feels like nothing is going your way. Thank you so much for listening and we hope you continue to PUSH through life with us. 

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