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Finding Joy Outside Of Your Comfort Zone!

Nov 23, 2021

When was the last time you did something completely out of your comfort zone? Or maybe a better question is: when was the last time you challenged yourself to do something that made you uncomfortable? 

 If you can’t remember the last time you’ve purposely put yourself in a situation that you knew would be unfamiliar and possibly uncomfortable then friend you may be robbing yourself of joy. 

 The truth is, when we go beyond what’s familiar in life and what’s comfortable we open ourselves up to new experiences and opportunities. When you close yourself off to trying new things and constantly seeking familiarity we can missout on new things that can bring us fulfillment and joy; and friend, we don’t want that for you. 

 In this episode, we’re sharing how the key to happiness can be found by getting outside of your comfort zone and embracing the unknown. 

 Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie and I discussed…


  • The most embarrassing moment of Janelle’s life (03:47)
  • Your Comfort Zone is robbing you of your joy (09:36)
  • In Real Life Retreat (10:25)
  • What things have you labeled yourself with (15:47)
  • The best party of our lives (18:14)
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone to enjoy something new (30:36)
  • How do you plan to set out of your comfort zone (36:26)

As this year ends, and after you listen to this episode, we want to ask you; what is preventing you from stepping out of your comfort zone to experience new things in the coming year? 

We hope by listening you can self-reflect and figure out how you can embrace new and uncomfortable things in the new year. 

Happy listening! 

Listener Of The Week 

Thanks so much Mary Ann for writing this review! We’re so happy that our episodes are serving you and you’ve been able to find our advice and perspective shifts helpful. We hope you continue to keep listening and find something helpful in each episode. 

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