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My Latest OBSESSIONS I think you’ll love too!

Jul 18, 2023

This blog post is going to be a little different today friends because I think once you’re done reading this you’re gonna be just as OBSESSED with these things as I am!

In case you didn’t know, I’m about to enter a NEW SEASON of life as an empty-nester. Not sure I’m ready for it yet- but I’ve been super busy soaking up every last minute I have with my kid before she moves to London for college!

And because of this new season, I’ve had the ability to tap into some new hobbies, develop new obsessions, and give myself the space to live in the moment and just have fun!

So, I thought why not share with you guys the things I’ve been doing in my spare time to have MORE FUN and the things I’ve been obsessing over recently- cause I think you’re gonna love them too!

Let’s get this party goin’!

  1. GOLF! Okay, hear me out here…

I’ve been having SO MUCH FUN golfing with my guy! This sport is so damn challenging! So many variables, things to learn, and it has been so freaking FRUSTRATING! But… I’m reminded that 1) It’s okay to be a BEGINNER and it’s okay to SUCK! 2) It feels awkward because it’s new and unfamiliar. This applies to so many things in life: a new job, starting a business, being a new mom, etc. You’re not supposed to be good in the beginning because it’s new and you don’t know what you’re doing! 3) You can still challenge yourself to find joy in the process, not just the result. 4) Just because you’re not “naturally gifted” at something in the beginning, doesn’t mean you won’t be good after LOTS of practice!

>>If you LOVE golf or just getting started like me check out some of my FAVORITE golf accessories here!

  1. Orange Theory Fitness & Moving My Body!

I’ve always been that person who needs to exercise and move their body. I have to do it for my mental health because it’s really hard for me to just sit still and not do anything. It’s SUPER important to me now that I work from home cause I’m not moving as much throughout my day. So, I started Orange Theory Fitness about 6 months ago and I’ve become OBSESSED for a couple of reasons. 1) It brings out the competitive side of me that I didn’t know could exist in fitness outside of competitions. And 2) My daughter, Jordan, comes with me so we get to have quality time together. If you don’t know what Orange Theory is, it’s basically HIIT classes (High-Intensity Interval Training). You wear a band that tracks your heart rate and it connects to a T.V. in the class that tracks how hard you’re working out and you get to see where you stand in comparison to others in the class. (Hence WHY I’m so competitive!)

>>But if Orange Theory isn’t for you and you’d rather work out at home or maybe you’re a work-from-home entrepreneur like me check out some of my favorite working out tools and fits here>>>

  1. Journaling is STILL one of my biggest priorities… especially right now!

Ever since I started journaling (which seems like FOREVER now), I’ve found that it helps me navigate life so much better especially when I’m going through difficult times or seasons that require A LOT of me. With, this HUGE life change happening in just a short 6 weeks, I’ve been journaling now more than ever and not only has it helped me navigate and deal with all the emotions I’ve been having but it’s helped me stay centered and stand in gratitude for all the amazing blessings that are happening within our family. Trust me, if you aren’t a journaler, neither was I and it can be hard to get into if it’s something you don’t really do. But once you do it, you’ll never stop!

If you wanna check out the journal I use, just click here>>>

I hope if you made it all the way through this blog, you’ve found some sort of value, whether that’s feeling more heard and understood, or some amazing new products to spark fun in your life. And if you’re looking for a new golf partner, send me a DM at @janellecopeland, and let’s set a tee time!


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