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BLOG POST #10: Wondering who I am?

Jan 01, 2018

Owner and Founder of The Cake Mamas, an award-winning bakery in Glendora, California! I’d love for you to hang out, get to know me a little better and learn a little more about MY STORY. Not because I’m like, “OH, look at me, I’m sooo great!”, but because I believe EVERYONE has a story! A story individual to NO ONE ELSE but YOU. A story based on YOUR experiences, obstacles, tragedies, victories, and everything in between!


So here’s a little of mine…

I’m a wife, a mother to 3 daughters, an artist, a businesswoman who PASSIONATELY advocates for women to be BADASS!!! (Oh, and I occasionally cuss. *If that’s not your thang, then no hard feelings, -Girl, Bye;) I believe in spreading kindness, I believe we should all get along, ESPECIALLY in the cake world, because let’s be real… The Cake World is comprised of mostly WOMEN. And you do know what they say about women, right???


“Women are petty. They’re backstabbers. They’re B*tches to each other. Women are JEALOUS. Women are HATERS”… Blah, blah, blah.


The point I’m trying to make is, we have a really BAD reputation, ladies! So why not go against the grain, prove them all wrong, and show them WE CAN be kind to one another! We CAN network, and share best practices, and root for each other! We CAN WIN TOGETHER! Plus, that’s just how I was raised in my professional career.


In the past, I’ve worked ONLY in predominately male industries. I was in Consumer Electronics, I was a Leader for companies like AT&T Wireless, Best Buy and Circuit City. At each of those companies, I had male mentors who rooted for me, taught me how to be resilient and how to reach out when I needed help.


My philosophy has always been “Competition creates better products, alliances create better companies.”

Plus, life is just better TOGETHER! So why not help a sista out!?


I’m also Business Mentor. As much as I don’t really wanna be pigeon-holed into being a “Cake” mentor, or a “Cake” Business Coach, I think CAKE is what brought most of you here, so I’ll just rock the title for now;)

I specialize in helping cake designers, cake decorators, CAKERS, CAKEpreneurs, (or whatever you prefer to call yourself) realize their full potential so they can not only ROCK their businesses, but ROCK their LIVES too!


So if you’re a CAKER looking to grow your home-based businesses, or a bakery owner with an actual storefront, then you’re in the right place! I wanna inspire you to chase those dreams, big ideas and NUMBERS - $$$! To take this passion and talent you have and actually start creating some WEALTH! I wanna encourage you to stop limiting your beliefs about how much money you can make, how many people you can reach and impact, who WILL and WON’T buy your products!...


I’m currently working on a really cool, super informative business course that will help provide all the tools you’ll need to PROSPER and THRIVE in your cake business! And let me tell you, this isn’t just some “Pricing Class”… This is an entire BUSINESS OVERHAUL for your cake business! Branding strategies, marketing strategies, systemizing with templates and tools to help you actually get it all done, dealing with inquiries, and quotes and serving your customers, increasing your prices and SALES, PLUS factoring in profits, while feeling confident about delivering your NEW AND IMPROVED prices! .. And so much more!


So, if you’re interested in learning how to behave and think like a CEO, (not just a cake maker), then click here to download this BUSINESS BOSS ASSESSMENT and see if you’re on your way to becoming the next Oprah, or if you need help unleashing and discovering your future BADASS YOU!


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