Friends! Why are we so caught up in the FEAR of everything? Some of us are scared to make that career change, some of us are scared to make that big investment (even if it’s in ourselves, might I add). Maybe you’re scared to have a DIFFERENT perspective than your friends & family, and some of us are even scared to just say NO!
But this year is different! I’ve got 2020 vision and I’m seeing the life I envision for myself CLEARLY! And I want you to too!
Today is a HUGE day for myself and my family, because I’m announcing one of the biggest transitions of my life… I’m selling The Cake Mamas!!!
YES, the bakery I built in 2009, based off a little dream, from my home, with ZERO DOLLARS to my name, with my husband’s EX, and zero knowledge of the food/baking industry! (STUPID, right?!)
The bakery that has employed over 100 talented bakers, decorators and amazing customer service providers for the past 10+ years!
The bakery that my kids grew up in! (That TRUTHFULLY, caused a tremendous amount of MOMMY GUILT! *Which I KNOW a lot of you mamas also struggle with...Am I right?...)
And yes, the bakery where I’ve met some of the most amazing customers, who have now become friends, and in some cases, FAMILY!
So, why the heck am I doing this? Well, I’m explaining the whole thing in today’s episode of the Push Podcast!
But let me break it down a little for you here…
For the past two years, I’ve over-extended and worked myself into exhaustion trying to balance two businesses and being present for my family.
I’ve known that I was meant to create a bigger impact beyond what I was doing for my local community. My purpose & passion is now coaching and mentoring other bakery owners and creative entrepreneurs from all around the world and specifically helping women step into their power and create the businesses of their dreams!
I’m very excited to step into the next chapter of my life and in that spirit, Eddie and I are sharing the six steps that can help you, if you might also be going through a SHIFT IN LIFE too!
Here’s a breakdown of what Eddie & I discuss in this episode…
If you’re in a season of transition or if you’re not sure what your next step is going to be, it’s okay to be unsure. But friend, you need to decide one way or another. See what’s out there for you! Explore new things, take some risks while you can!
I mean, are you going to take a leap of faith and TRUST that everything will work out? Or will you stay STUCK in your comfort zone because you’re scared of the “what if?”
Well friend, when you do decide, I trust that you’ll take these six steps to heart, and go ALL in with whatever choice you make. Your FUTURE SELF is depending on you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! Happy Listening!
Oh, and if you’re interested in purchasing the bakery, (and you’re a QUALIFIED buyer), please fill THIS FORM out for more info!
Our Listener Spotlight Of The Week:
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